Both of those fats should be avoided or eaten sparingly. The good fats include things such as nuts, vegetable oils, peanut butter and surprisingly enough avocados. Most of the good fats are plant based items. The real key is to eat less processed foods. Livestrong states “Of course it's possible to eat foods from all the main groups by choosing products that have undergone more processing, such as fruit juice or flavored yogurt or even hotdogs. Processed food can leave you at risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and unstable blood sugar levels.” So a well balanced diet for me would include eating a wide variety of foods, in the right portions of course. Consuming the right amounts of liquid and eating the right amounts of food can help you achieve and maintain a healthy …show more content…
Marc Ambinder, who has done a great deal of research on the subject stated this “The government has no business intervening on the level of individual choice and it shouldn't get into the business of behavioral suasion because it always fails.” And she right to note that information about all the health risks related with over consuming fat and sugar and salt are saturated throughout society, even supersaturated. Everyone knows how bad this stuff can be. For her, thats the end of the argument. Although government can help to provide information about how to make better choices, but it cannot and should not attempt to persuade people to make better eating choices. Indeed, the push for people to make better choices creates the stigma that makes the bad thing bad in the first place. I dont think thats quite right. Yes obesity exists. For heavier people, it becomes a very serious health threat. Many believe that the government should be blamed for all of this. It really doesn't matter if the government tries to persuade people to eat better. But it's also clear that the government has failed in its efforts to try to get people to think about eating right. But the government more than likely can do something, government coercion had proven helpful with past incidents. Cigarette taxation and anti smoking laws has helped cut into smoking quite a bit. Historically obesity rates have been