Saint Paul’s conversion from persecutor of Christians to spearheading the call to God that was before unheard of therefore he is considered the second most important person in Christianity.”(Yarbrough, 2016)
“The life and times of Saint Paul starts with his date of birth that was speculated to be within ten years of Jesus’s birth 10 AD, however it has not been recorded. ( 2016). His birth name was Saul and was born in the city of Tarsus, which was a Roman province of Cilia, located in modern day south-eastern Turkey. Saint Paul was born into an earnest Jewish family and he believed himself of being a Pharisee. [Phil. 3:5] (Yarbrough, 2016). When he was young his parents moved him to Jerusalem to receive an education, he attended a school managed by Gamaliel a famous rabbi called the Hillel school. Paul learned to write in Greek and Hebrew while becoming knowledgeable with the law. (Bruce, 1977), (Martin, 2009). His writings in his younger years before his conversion show his knowledge of Greek, Hebrew and Arabic from his rabbinic training. (Yarbrough, 2016) It is believed …show more content…
(Knight, 2012) His first missionary journey was the Roman province of Asia in A.D 47-49 which formed the writing of the Galatians. (Acts 13-14). In his second missionary journey from A.D 50-53 with Silas and Timothy. St. Paul founded Churches in Corinth, Thessalonica, Berea and Philippi while also writing the Thessalonian letters during this time. Paul’s third missionary journey (Acts 18-21) from A.D 53-57 he travelled to Ephesus in this time wrote 1 Corinthians then finally to Macedonia and Jerusalem, where he wrote 2 Corinthians and Romans from Corinth while he was waiting for his departure. (McRay, 2003). The purpose of these missionary journeys was to educate those who found Christ through St. Pauls preaching. His three principles on his missionary journeys were: Jesus was the Son of God and the Messiah is foretold by the prophets of Israel; Jesus’s death compensated for all men’s sin’s and opened heaven to humanity; the Mosaic Law had, by the fact of Jesus’ salvation, been repealed and replaced by the Law of Jesus. This brought the Jews and Gentiles close together there was no longer any division between them. (McRay, 2003). His missionary journey’s made Christianity more popular among the Gentiles as he went around putting his life on the line to preach with his aggressive campaigns. The church owes its gentile character to Paul’s missions.”(