The US has been involved in wars with more casualties than the US. But at the very least in those wars the US was better off at the end of those wars. In the Vietnam War, 58,000 Americans died and over 150,000 were wounded. Not only were there so many casualties but nothing was accomplished because of the Vietnam War. Vietnam would eventually unite, but it happened after US military troops left. So yes the US did have some impact on the war, but they did not do significant damage. Overall, the war was not worth losing 58,000 men and having hundreds of thousands of men be injured because of it. Because realistically, it was not worth losing all those men just to stop the spread of communism on the other side of the world. Proving Kennedy did not make the right …show more content…
Kennedy had one of highest approval ratings ever for a president, he ignited the most senseless war in US history, the Vietnam War. This war can really relate to what the US is currently going through with ISIS. Not many people are too happy to think that we could get into another war with the Middle East. The main difference between the Vietnam War and the potential war with ISIS is that it is not about communism, it is about the possible threat ISIS could be to the US and countries all over the world. But whoever the next president is will face a significant amount of scrutiny from the public. Just like John F. Kennedy. But whoever the next president is, hopefully they can handle the decision of going to war or not going to war better than John F.