Whether the child is struggling in school or academically gifted, paternal collaboration is laden with benefits. The significance of paternal involvement in children’s education has become an interest not only among teachers and educators, but also politicians, social scientists, and parents. These groups have already viewed academic success in direct correlation with parental involvement and as stated before “parental” has unconsciously and incorrectly synonymous with “mother”. For example, early childhood educators tend to engage more with mothers than fathers thus, the study of father’s involvement has been neglected until now. Recently, a growing number of studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact of father involvement in youth academic development. A meta-analysis was conducted by Doctor of Education William H. Jeynes of California State University, including 66 studies to determine the relationship between fathers’ involvement and educational outcomes of urban school children. The result of this meta-analysis found that father involvement is related to positive outcomes statistically among youth. Also, the effects among children of color was undeniably higher that the general popular of children in the study (Jeynes, 2014). Children need the guidance, encouragement, unconditional belief, and support of fathers to excel. Simply put, fathers act as pillars for their …show more content…
Adolescent girls are going through transitions not only biologically, but emotionally and socially also as they become interested in deeper interpersonal relationships and dating. In a study conducted by research health analyst Ellen K. Wilson in 2010 on fathers’ perspective in protecting preteens from sexual risk, a father, in response to the question of why he thought it important to talk to his daughter about sex asserts, “[My daughter] listens to what her mom says, but she wants to know what I think as a father and as a male…she sees two approaches, and she starts putting the puzzle together.”(Wilson & co, 2010). Fathers being able to talk to their daughters openly about how boys think, avoiding teen pregnancy and sexual predators, and respecting their bodies, father’s protectiveness and father’s valuable ability to give daughters a different perspective were some principal observations of the study. Ultimately, fathers are the rubric by which all other men that come into her life will be judged. Based on how vital paternal involvement is, paternal absence is bound to have a detrimental effect on adolescent girls. In an article about the possible link between absent fathers and teenage pregnancy, researcher Bruce Ellis indicates “…girls whose father is absent undergo personality changes at an early age