Before looking at the various aspects of the doctrine of “Realized Eschatology”, it is helpful to understand the origin of such teaching. In recent years, this eschatological theory was promoted and popularized by Max R. King, a gospel …show more content…
Nevertheless, these still aid in proving how unreasonable this teaching is. Firstly, if King is correct, then marriage has not existed since A.D. 70. Jesus clearly taught in Matthew 22:23-30 and Luke 20:27-35 that after the resurrection marriage no longer exists. With this in mind, if “Realized Eschatology” is true, millions of married couples have been committing fornication! Another unforeseen problem in this doctrine is the Lord’s supper. The Bible states to partake of the emblems to “shew the Lord’s death till he come” (1 Corinthians 11:26). If we are only to observe this memorial until Christ returns and he has already returned (according to this false teaching), then there is no need to continue this practice. However, the proponents of this teaching still partake of these emblems, proving the hypocrisy and error in this doctrine. Finally, this perverse interpretation of prophecy eliminates virtually all of the hope that is characteristic of Christianity. With no resurrection or second coming of the Lord in the future, what is there to look forward to? Further, with no impending judgment or destruction of the physical world, what deterrent is there from someone simply doing “that which is right in his own eyes” (Judges