In The Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri between 1308 and 1321, he describes his journey through three realms starting in Inferno leading up to Purgatory and finally arriving in Paradise. Inferno is one of the three parts in which Dante uses more description, including allusions from his background and from his religious point of view, including the Bible, old text, and Greek stories; creating a mixture of sources that he used. Not only that, but he also uses the first love of his life, Beatrice, whom he met when they were younger. Dante uses all backgrounds of his past for the reader to enjoy all the surroundings during his travel by also interpreting the situations of each circle that he has to pass until finally arriving to Purgatory and then …show more content…
They later met again, and Dante became profoundly affected by her consummate beauty and grace. The same year, having reached his adulthood, Dante inherited a modest family fortune from his parents who had died, but two years later, he married Gemma Donati, a union arranged by his father in order to get the family fortune. As a result of Beatrice's death in 1290, Dante was inspired to commemorate her and show respect by giving her credit in several works, most notably as the ideal lady who leads him to redemption in The Divine Comedy. The death of Beatrice proved to be a turning point in Dante's life. Stricken with grief, he began an intensive philosophical study of the works of Boethius, Cicero, and Aristotle, among others from the ancient world, as he wrote his epic poem. It can be shown that he suffers and he was aware of that because during the second circle, lust, he knew he could have sin by loving Beatrice knowing she was dead due to the reason that he saw Paolo and Francesca being carried by the wind. Expect that he made her as his guide to paradise as she was a holy symbol through The Divine Comedy (Singh, the Divine