Analysis Of Dante Alegheri's Inferno

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"The Divine Comedy, considered by most to be the greatest Italian piece of literature ever written," (Soft Schools). The Inferno is one- third of the Divine Comedy, which was constructed after Dante Alegheri was exiled from Florence. This was the first piece of literature to be written in the common tongue. Lower class civilians were able to read his work, making it a very powerful poem. Many people praised Dante Alegheri and agreed with his opinions and examination of the government. Throughout the Inferno, Dante Alegheri uses his relationship with Virgil, his sympathy towards the lustful, and his punishments of Caiaphas and the clergymen to reflect on his personal criticisms of human reason, his definition of good and evil, and man's responsibility. …show more content…
Dante, the author of the Inferno, portrays Virgil's character as protective throughout the dangers of Hell such as entering Bolgia Six in the Eighth Circle, where he would have died if Virgil had not been there. "Seizing me instantly in his arms, my Guide/ Like a mother... takes her child and runs and more concerned for him than herself... raised me/" (Canto, Line). Because Virgil is knowledgeable and more experienced through Hell than Dante is, he puts Dante's needs first and is a protective figure in Dante's eyes. Not only is Virgil's character viewed as protective, but he is compared to a father or parental figure. "My

guide and my master bore me on his chest as if I were not a companion, but a son. (Canto, Line). Because Virgil's character is a guide to Dante, he is portrayed as a father figure because Dante relies on him to help him make reasonable decisions that keep him
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Dante, the author, punishes Caiaphas harder than the other hypocrites in Circle Eight and gives him the title of Chief Hypocrite. "He is punished by being himself crucified to the floor of Hell by three great stakes and in such a position that every passing sinner must walk upon him. Thus, he must suffer upon his own body the weight of all the world's hypocrisy, as Christ suffered upon His body the pain of all the world's sins"(Alegheri 186). Because Dante is a Catholic and views Caiaphas as the ultimate hypocrite, he shows no remorse towards him because as a high priest and a man of God, it was his responsibility, to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and he failed to do that. As

Dante, the main character goes through the Fifth Circle, he exposes the clergy and their wrong doings. "Papa Satan, Papa Satan.../"(Canto, Line). Because Dante Alegheri criticizes the clergy and their control, he reflects his opinion by comparing them to

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