Wanting everything for himself, Tom doesn’t even share with his wife. For instance, Tom set out to find the legendary lost treasure of Kidd the Pirate but instead found himself face to face with the Devil. As explained in the story, “Under one of these gigantic trees, according to old stories, there was a great amount of treasure buried by Kidd the pirate.” (Irving 1).Tom being the crotchety person he is, talks to Old Scratch and later realizes that he is the Devil. Without a doubt, Tom is not easily fooled and requests for proof, “”What proof have I that all you have been telling me is true?" said Tom. "There is my signature," said the black man, pressing his finger on Tom's forehead.”” (Irving 1). Not only does the Old Scratch catch the attention of Tom but also convinces him into a deal he knows Tom won't be able to resist. With a deal, Old Scratch purposes wealth in exchange for Toms soul. Without hesitation, Tom accepts the offer and goes home to tell his wife. Not only is Tom an acquisitive old man but his wife is just as desperate for wealth and knowledge as he is. When Tom told his wife about his encounter with the Devil, she harasses him to make the deal by selling his soul hoping he would so she could also be wealthy. Since she saw that Tom wasn't going to make the deal she ran off to make deal herself. She took her most valuable silver from her house hoping the Devil will take her up on the
Wanting everything for himself, Tom doesn’t even share with his wife. For instance, Tom set out to find the legendary lost treasure of Kidd the Pirate but instead found himself face to face with the Devil. As explained in the story, “Under one of these gigantic trees, according to old stories, there was a great amount of treasure buried by Kidd the pirate.” (Irving 1).Tom being the crotchety person he is, talks to Old Scratch and later realizes that he is the Devil. Without a doubt, Tom is not easily fooled and requests for proof, “”What proof have I that all you have been telling me is true?" said Tom. "There is my signature," said the black man, pressing his finger on Tom's forehead.”” (Irving 1). Not only does the Old Scratch catch the attention of Tom but also convinces him into a deal he knows Tom won't be able to resist. With a deal, Old Scratch purposes wealth in exchange for Toms soul. Without hesitation, Tom accepts the offer and goes home to tell his wife. Not only is Tom an acquisitive old man but his wife is just as desperate for wealth and knowledge as he is. When Tom told his wife about his encounter with the Devil, she harasses him to make the deal by selling his soul hoping he would so she could also be wealthy. Since she saw that Tom wasn't going to make the deal she ran off to make deal herself. She took her most valuable silver from her house hoping the Devil will take her up on the