The Definition Of A Hero In Medieval Literature

Superior Essays
Throughout time the concept of a hero has changed. Although the meaning has remained the same over the years, what defines them varies. This is shown when analyzing and comparing texts from different time periods such as Beowulf, Lanval, The faerie Queene, and Oroonoko. All four texts present a hero and share some similarities and differences. Each text was written during different time periods therefore each society having different morals and views which reflects what they defined a hero to be at that time in history.
In the medieval period a hero had more of a physical meaning, normally a hero was known to be strong and courageous like a warrior. Men were always known to be the head of their families and decision makers while a women's
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He does things most warriors would not even think twice about doing. Hes tremendously strong, which is shown in this line, “he has thirty/ men’s strength, strong in battle,/ in his hand grip.” (379-381), Representing that he has superhuman strength . We see this again in the following line “I have never seen/ a greater earl on earth than one among you,/ man in war-gear; that is no mere courtier,/ honored only in weapons—unless his looks belie him,/ his noble appearance!” (Lines 247-251). This shows not only how strong he is but how noble he is as well which reflects a true heros characteristics. Aside from Beowulf being strong he is also courageous, loyal and faithful. He shows great courage by traveling to the land of the Danes and fighting the Grendels’. His loyalty by volunteering to kill the Grendels’ to protect hrothgar and his people as well as to pay him back for help hrothgar provided to his father. Lastly, Beowulf gives thanks to god for letting him accomplish his victory reflecting his faith in god. Just like beowulf, Oroonoko is known to be a true hero as well. Although oroonoko reflects similar traits as beowulf such as strength and courage, they are very different. Oroonoko is strong just as beowulf is known to be, but oroonoko is strong in a different way. Oroonoko had to kill his own wife and unborn child for their own good which represents his mental and emotional strength as …show more content…
Fighting evil and destroying not only the Bower of Bliss but Acrasia as well is what makes him such a great hero. Although he does face many beasts throughout his journey to the island and also experiences some conflicts with people who were of great evil, such as the evil brothers Pryochles and Cymochles, the beast Mamon, and also the group of men who violently attacked a castle he still managed to defeat Acrasia. In addition, he also must confront monsters, go through dangerous waters and above all fight the beats on the island. Through all these obstacles, Sir Guyon finds Acrasia and finally destroys both Acrasia and the Bower of Bliss. Therefore gaining the title of hero. When comparing both King Arthur and Guyon to Oroonoko there are some significant differences as well as similarities. King Arthur came from noble family as did Oroonoko but he was not always royal, Oroonoko was an african prince but was then captured by the british and turned into a slave. And unlike both King Arthur and Sir Guyon, Oroonoko was not a knight, he had different characteristics than those that heroes and knights were usually known to have .Oroonoko's great strength is shown in the following lines, ” to be a hero. Although he Although his actions were different, because of his actions we are able to see oroonoko's heroism and strength as shown in these lines, ““all that

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