Beowulf is not afraid of anything or to do anything.( My dad shows he selflessness by support his country, his platoon, and himself.(Barlow Frank) They are both highly intelligent people, and know exactly what they are doing.
One of the last things that i think is most important is they are both caring. Beowulf would not put his own life against the monsters to save some other people that he did not know if he was not caring. Beowulf chose the mightiest men he could find the bravest and the best of the Geats, fourteen In all.( Also, if my dad was not caring he would not also be putting this country and his people first to protect us and our freedom.(Barlow, Frank) Once again, both Beowulf and my dad are consider amazing heros. Definitely my dad in my eyes. He really does make me proud and I am glad to call him my dad. Beowulf is great to by his actions but he would really be a hero if he was real. This is my essay on two amazing heros that do great