Theme: In order for a person to be successful, they need be surrounded by UNDERSTANDING people.
To start with, the main character, Christopher, reflects upon first meeting Siobhan eight years ago, “She showed me this picture and I knew that it meant ‘sad,’ which is what I felt when I found the dead dog” (2). Siobhan knows that Chris has a really hard time trying to converse with people because it is hard for him to identify feelings from looking at a face. She doesn’t just acknowledge his problem, but also goes on to show him what even more faces mean to help Chris further. Her efforts to help Christopher builds their relationship to the next level and shows taking that extra step of to understand him is what makes their relationship so important and successful.
Secondly, as …show more content…
Alexander in his neighborhood if she knew anything about the dog’s death, “‘I see you every day, going to school.’ I didn’t reply to this. And she said, ‘It’s very nice of you to come and say hello’” (40). Even with her constant attempts to make a friendly conversation, Chris can’t chat with people, finds it pointless and sticks to simple question and answer. It takes a while to recognize and acknowledge a person has social problems and know how to help them with it.
Following this, Christophers reflects back on one of his teachers, Mr. Jeavons, “He said I liked maths because it meant solving problems and these problems were difficult and interesting but there was always a straightforward answer at the end” (61). Mr. Jeavons understood his way of thinking, and was able to use this knowledge to help Chris learn how to live in the real world when not everything is straightforward. This is a big step for Chris as he’s so used to looking at the world from his own point of view and have him step out of his own safety zone. (just finished this one wasn't blue