The Consequences Of Deer Overpopulation

Superior Essays
Thinning the Herd Driving down a country road often leads to a driver seeing an animal or two. Usually the animal seen by the driver or the passengers is a deer. With today’s advancements to technology and industry, deer cause many issues. Their overpopulation leads to accidents that can cause serious damage to cars as well as serious injury or death to humans (“Deer Population Facts”). They also cause farmers to lose crops since the deer have to fight for food and eat whatever they can to survive (“Deer Population Facts”). Debates about whether it is right to kill deer even though they are a part of nature and a part of the food chain are not unusual. It is ethical to humanely kill deer for food and reduction of population during hunting …show more content…
In country settings, studies have shown that there are about 40 deer in a square mile (“Deer Population Facts”). This sets the stage for many issues to occur in rural areas that can lead to hardships for the members of the rural communities. Also studies show that around 100 deer inhabit a square mile around east metropolitan cities (“Deer Population Facts”). This overpopulation of deer around cities is the bigger issue since so many people are traveling by car in these areas. The deer overpopulation has gotten the full attention of many and raised their …show more content…
These accidents are very common and often cause a lot of damage. Since these heavy animals can practically ruin a car, the repairs of the car are expensive. During a time span starting on July 1st, 2011, and ending on June 30th, 2012, around 1.23 million accidents occurred where a deer collided with a car. This resulted in “more than $4 billion in vehicle damage.” With these statistics one can see that there is definitely an issue with deer overpopulation (“Car and Deer...”). Now, one may argue that this could just be because deer become familiar with humans and roam around. This is very understandable and in some cases can be true, but the other viewpoint is that overpopulation is causing deer to move around since other animals and deer are taking their food. They must move to a different area in this case to most

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