In his analogy he explains that the Greek students first learn how to pronounce letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs. Then learn how to repeat word for word flawlessly any Greek piece of work. They are taught these Greek words without ever being translated into words they understand or knowing the true meaning. This is how Feynman is observing how the kids are being taught science in Brazil. That they are just taught definitions without any conceptual information. The students do not know any better because they trust that the teacher is providing the correct education, but in reality they are not. This is why teachers need to be evaluated to make sure they are teaching …show more content…
This is not always the case. Sometimes students should actually pay attention. Feynman observed a class in Brazil and was watching the students learn. Feynman states, “The students were all sitting there taking dictation, and when the professor repeated the sentence, they checked it to make sure they wrote it down all right. Then they wrote down the next sentence, and on and on” (Feynman 55). He did not understand how any of them were going to learn from this process. Feynman then goes up to one of the students and questions one of the students what they do with all the notes. The student replies saying they will study them because they will be tested on the material, and he could tell Feynman what questions would be on the exam. Feynman then says, “They could pass the examinations, ‘learn’ all this stuff, and not know anything at all, except what they memorized” (Feynman 55). There is a misconception of learning being explained. Sometimes students will learn material just for the incentive of the grade, and then dump it, which is not learning at all. The teacher should realize this, and try teaching material in a different way. The concept of learning is clearly shown that it is ultimately up to the teacher as to how well the students will understand the material. They have the most influence on the students. They should care more about how much the students actually learn conceptually instead of how