Furthermore, Mr. Gopnik continues by putting himself inside the American prison, stating that time does not exists like if it was never discovered. He also quotes the song Bob Dylan wrote about when George Jackson was shot by a prison guard in the San Quentin prison for attempting to escape. In addition, African-Americans are locked up more than compared to whites. As a society we can criticize African-Americans by stating that it is their fault for not having goals or dreams, their fault not to get educated and work hard to achieve a positive outcome, but it depends on their situation. For example, poverty plays an important role in African-American society and with no education or jobs their destination eventually is prison. Mr. Gopnik also states tremendous increase in the number of prisoners over the past several decades and money spent on prisons has also increased at “six times the rate of spending on higher education” (3). Moreover, to the increase of prisoners, the “endemic” of rape most of the inmates suffer is psychological and is a punishment that new prisoners expect when locked up in a United State penitentiary. Even though, the majority of the prisoners who end up in penitentiaries are not murders, psychopaths, or sex offenders they do not deserve to get raped by another prisoner or vice versa. Where are their rights? Why do they have to suffer like this? Why are the correctional officers turning their heads to the other side on an act of violence and torture on an inmate? Rape is a violation of human rights. No matter what prisoners are people and they do not have to be tortured. In the Bill of Rights the Eighth Amendment states that it forbids “cruel and unusual punishments” and yet these prisoners can face it for the rest of their lives even worse the correctional officers do not care and they permit this cruelty to happen on a daily basis. In some circumstances the new prisoners are not even guilty of what they were sentenced sometimes it happens that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. …show more content…
Another example would be incarcerating someone without a trial or being represented by a lawyer that does not care about the rights of the person. In the Fifth and Sixth Amendment of The Bill of Rights it states “guarantees specific rights when on trial” and the “right to be represented by an attorney”. On the other hand, the use of solitary confinement in prisons can effect or cause anguish, serious mental and physical