When taken a closer look at the writing certain things begin to pop out of the book and bite the reader. The book itself can be translated into so many different ways and in some way it relates to everyone's life. The most interesting think Lloyd Alexander did in the book was open the imagination so that not only is it a head scratcher, but it also makes to reader jump out of the box and realize the world that that they live in. The mind of a child wanders deeper than the minds of most adults, in these days. Their minds touch everything from pigs flying in a battle against scarecrows to giant frogs eating people like flies. In this “Book of Three” you can taste a sense of their imagination on the tip of your tongue. You can't just read the book and realize the input Alexander has put in the imagination, but once you have been given insight and reread the book it changes your perspective. This book was …show more content…
For Tara it was making horseshoes for what he didn't know was it was training. If Tara had not put in the work and skill into each swing of the hammer he might not have ever reached his destiny. So are heroes, heroes? Taken the consideration of every sacrifice and the fame and glory that heroes are given; it would seem to the outsider that they are living the dream. The truth of it all is that most if not all heroes would change what they have for the hard working life of a farm boy, like Tara, for his duties make him the real