The waves are gradually rocking the boat in a side to side motion, like a mother rocking her newborn baby to sleep. With the Limitless wind bring a fresh pine smell from the trees with every breath. A sense of peace and serenity to mind, sitting back and taking in the wilderness.
The pallid shades of the trees around echo resonate with the footsteps of those who gamble within. Barks of all tones, varieties, and colors push beyond, wrestling for the warmth and comfort of the sun. The trunks intertwine, spiral, or rise, straight-backed and proud from the ground. Their hearts lie within their roots, where once their innocent, untamed seeds rummaged for life. A brave vitalized spirit of the forest.
From the order and strength of these massive, powerful elders springs forth the life of the forest. These lives push forward, into the unknown, unkempt and unhindered by the forces trying to keep them in check. Humanity, disease, war, these words mean nothing to them. To coexist with their bark-laden elders: that is their task. The thought of development, a society beyond what is called for by the dark huntress of survival, seems preposterous. Living day to day, never looking ahead for fear of the unknown, these courageous spirits exist together and depend on each other for survival. They exist simply to exist. They seek nothing beyond this limited form of …show more content…
Within a time, a brief span that means nothing to the inhabitants, the troubles and heartaches of one lone soul are known by all. The soft patter of falling seeds is muffled by the thick, lush carpet of leaves. Their small, wax-wrapped consciences burrow into the earth to begin stories of their own. The shuffling sound of steps resonates from the trees, crunching the leaves underfoot. Searching out sustenance, the courageous children of the forest venture for into the monochrome tones of the first frigid day. Small shoots and sedges, in an attempt to live up to the glory of their gargantuan elders, are frozen; cold and devoid of life. Though they once fought for sunlight, they now crackle and bend beneath the feet of their animal kinsmen, no longer abler to reach upward and take in the glorious air. Lone birds, minute plumaged heralds to the emissary of dawn, soar through the thin, chilled air, their downy wings gliding smoothly, leaving only the lofty sounds of the wind against their bodies. They live a free and joyous life, unrestricted by the demands of the earth below. And yet, they reside in companionship with the strong and majestic