The Banning Of Trans-Fat Restaurants In The United States

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The health and nutrition laws that are proposed in these four articles are intended to have a positive effect on the health of the nation. These legislations either regulate or restrict some sort of unhealthy nutritional component that negatively affects the health of individuals. The health and healthcare cost of the nation can be dramatically developed by enforcement of these legislations.
For example the article “Trans-fat ban made fast food a bit healthier in NY” by Lauren Neergaard, explained how the banning of trans-fat in restaurants in New York City has made a dramatic decrease of people’s intake of the artery-clogging fat. Because trans-fat is the worst kind of fat – closely next to saturated fats- it is essential that the consumption
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In a sort of way, these companies feel as though they are being attacked or singled out by the government. According to Michelle Castillo’s article, “Bloomberg soda ban: Board of Health eyes popcorn and milkshakes”, Mayor Michael Bloomberg's has made a ban of sugary drinks that are larger than sixteen ounces in all city restaurants, stadiums and street carts in New York. Businesses are upset because this law does not apply to grocery stores or convenience stores. This law negatively affects the business of these restaurants, stadiums, and street carts. This law is solely directed towards low-income small businesses and has no negative affect towards big companies. Because of the calorie data food legislation, businesses are now required to include information regarding calorie amount and food labels. The article “Calorie Data to be Posted at Most Chains” by Stephanie Rosenbloom explains how restaurant chains with twenty or more outlets are required to disclose the amount of calories on food items. This law will affect big businesses that have many restaurant outlets. This law enforces businesses to take action towards promoting healthy lives for their customers. The article “Food Stamp Bills Seek to Restrict Junk Food” by Richard Fausset discourses the law that restricts individuals from buying unhealthy food items with federal aid. This law can affect an individual’s desire to use SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) because they will feel ashamed or embarrassed to sign up for food aid. This law affects the business of SNAP and the people who want to use federal food

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