It is interesting to notice that all of McCarthy’s bad habits and ways stemmed back to his childhood. Joseph grew up being bullied by his older brothers (he was one of 7 kids). At the age of fourteen he owned an acre of land given to him by …show more content…
And he did just that. He accused Owen Lattimore as “the top Russian espionage agent”. Mccarthy stated that this was his big case and if it fails so does he. He said to check his loyalty papers as proof. At Lattimore’s trail, Owen called McCarthy a liar. The trials went on for years. Lattimore was then charged with perjury crimes. Eventually, the charges were dropped but Lattimore’s reputation and legacy was forever ruined. Sadly, McCarthy did not go down with this case like he said he would. Since McCarthy knew that Truman would never release the loyalty documents, he claimed that all his proof was in them. Two weeks later Truman released the documents and McCarthy claimed that they had been tampered with. Sadly, McCarthy’s power did not die out because the people felt so vulnerable, they believed everything he was saying. They allowed him to continue and ignored all of his slip ups because they knew that communism was a slippery topic that gave him the right to mess up from time to time. But when the Tydings trials came to an end, the Korean War began. It was impecable timing for McCarthy. McCarthy at this point was way too valuable, hence neither party wanted to bring him down. When China entered the war, McCarthy blamed Dean Acheson (Secretary of State) and after a while of tormenting, he moved to General Marshall to attack. In 1952, Eisenhower had become president and Mccarthy and Eisenhower weren 't on such great terms to begin with because Eisenhower did not like that McCarthy criticized Marshall, a friend of his. But with all that tension, Eisenhower kept quite on his views. Eisenhower refused to work with McCarthy and McCarthy gave him a hard time with almost every action he