The Average Man Colin Wilson Analysis

Improved Essays
An average man is the bane of a society that wishes to better itself, and nothing halts change more than the poisonous thoughts of an average man. The average man conforms to society, he wishes to make himself more like the next guy or to have something that everyone else has. He has tragedies and disasters, but does nothing to fix them, he just accepts them as they are. He is not brave or daring and does nothing more than resemble a cow standing in the rain. There is a quote by Colin Wilson, that explains this the best. “The average man is a conformist, accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.” This quote tells how men easily accept everything how it is and won’t do anything to change it because they are too dumb and lazy. I agree with the thoughts of Colin Wilson, he says how we want to be what society wants us to be, also that we just accept life how it is, whether good or bad, and he says we are just as dumb, and simple and as lazy as a cow, standing in the rain not willing to do anything to change it’s position. …show more content…
Since we are young we are taught that we should be normal, and be what society wants us to be. This happens when we are shown what society is, through media, and other sources. We accept it as it is, like it’s cool and what we need. An example is the new iPhone, everyone wants it, just because it’s cool. Or the style of clothing and hair. It has changed over the decades, what young people wear today would never be acceptable. By seeing this change we know that people want to be accepted by conforming to our society. People need to be, say, and do what they feel they need to do, and that includes conforming to society, because if doing that makes them happy and it’s what they want are they really conforming to it, Or enjoying

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