Uneven Ground: Appalachia Since 1945, by Ronald Eller explores the devastation of traditional culture and land use in the Appalachian region at the hands of the coal industry and local, state, and federal leaders and policy makers. His perspective comes from one that separates growth from development and is highly critical of efforts to force Appalachia into a national economic model that is not aligned with the regions unique historical situations. After briefly setting the stage in the Civil War and the immediate years following, Eller focuses on modernization efforts preceding the 1930s depression and revitalization efforts that began during World War II. Eller makes the argument that industrialization and an expanding market economy altered Appalachian land use and social relations as early as the Civil War.…
The small town of Pinedale, Wyoming is known for a diverse number of things. By and large, the community has always been known for its beautiful surrounding scenery, but also for the ranching community feel and the cowboy characters that live there. Imagine an area with an abundance of culture being affected by an industrial boom. Suddenly, the small town feel is gone, new people have moved in, and the appreciation for the culture that once existed there has been depleted by everyone ’s need to economically benefit from the environment’s existing natural resources.…
Thomas G. Andrews book, Killing for Coal: America's Deadliest Labor War, merges labor and environmental history in an breakdown of the half century leading up to the most fierce and violent labor unrest of the post civil war era, which is the Colorado coal-miner strike of 1913-1914, the Ludlow battle/massacre and Ten Day Coalfield War. Thomas Andrews argues in his book that these incidents cannot be seen in isolation or as separate events, but as the climax of half a century of struggle within the lower class and immigrants of the nation. Andrews argues this through a specific treatment of the environment, particularly in the standard of the working conditions that the miners are subjected to and the relationship that the working people and their surrounding environment share. Andrews argues that the working condition of the Colorado mining fields has a crucial role in causing solidarity among miners and further straining tensions between owners and their workforce.…
Harry Caudhill’s Night Comes to the Cumberlands is an important representation of American history of people who took a stand for an issue. In his book, Caudhill writes about his views on the strip mining industries’ effects on mid 20th century Appalachia. Caudhill’s book tells the story of modern Appalachia, specifically the coal mining areas of West Virginia and Eastern Kentucky. Caudhill was a lawyer who had stern opinions about the coal industry whose book stood as a voice for the people of Appalachia. Caudhill describes the coal industry as an industry that destroys the Appalachian hills.…
Coming from an African background, I was never fully aware of the full history of America and in particular the history of Maryland and its surrounding states. However, this play has definitely provided a remedy for this awareness. It is clear from the songs of Sarah Gunning that capitalism not only played a significant role in negatively impacting the lives of many in this region, but also had single handedly tore apart many miner families. Gunning’s songs shield light on the fact that if it were not for those in position of power in regards to mining business, deaths of husbands, brothers and fathers during to accidents and diseases, such as black lung or tuberculosis, would have never occurred at the rate they had been. The play also pointed to the significance of labor unions throughout the United States, in order to protect and advocate the rights and well being of workers everywhere.…
From the businessmen of New York to the moonshiners of Virginia, Appalachia, through Jeff Biggers book The United States of Appalachia, and a personal interview with Steven Ridley, proves to be a diverse region that is littered with stereotypes, both good and bad. One of the best ways to understand the stereotypes of Appalachia is by looking at a primary source, such as The United States of Appalachia by Jeff Biggers. The book provides an in-depth look at a variety of topics involving Appalachia, including the stereotypes. Unlike other cultures, Appalachia “helps breed a social order without philosophy or art or even the rudest form of letters. It brings out whatever capacity for superstition and credulity a people come endowed with, and it encourages an almost reckless individualism” (Biggers XIII).…
Throughout the book, Steinberg touches upon factors such as expansion, conservation, and urbanization that have all had huge impacts on the environment. In the chapter “The Unforgiving West”, Steinberg shows us how the Gold Rush sparked mass Westward expansion and the implications it had on nature and humans likewise. The Gold Rush caused many…
No. 5 was a thriving coal mine during World War 2. On March 25, 1947 a blast, due to excessive mine dust. “Mine inspectors had been denouncing Centralia's No. 5 for years-one recent report had listed many dangerous violations of safety codes, but little had ever been done to correct them” (Time 1947). The case study of Centralia No.5 (Stillman, p.30) gives a recount of the facts leading up to the blast and also reveals the inner complexities of the administrative framework of modern society. It outlines a coal company sensitive only to profit incentives, state regulatory agencies inadequacy in enforcing mine safety legislation, federal officials and mine unions complacent about the growing problems; and the miners incapable of protecting themselves against the impending…
The struggles Appalachians faced resulted in the implementation of the ARC, which has found past and present success in both community and economic development of the region. The Appalachian…
Paying for the water bill may not be very expensive, but ask that to an alabamian and they would think the opposite . Many people do not like seeing a bill with a fee of more than one-hundred dollars, but sadly the bill has a higher price to it which means it is true. The water payment has been very expensive this whole year. Many people say it is because of the governor, who desperately needs money to build up new businesses, which is alright, but the truth is that the water has been polluted. It is all because of the coal mines near water.…
Coal companies are making big bucks by digging up land in search of coal and in the process they’re barely cleaning up the mess they made. They have the money to do the cleaning up, but they don’t want to pay it. Even regulators are fearing a one billion dollar coal cleanup bill. If it was up to the coal companies they would leave the $1 billion bill for the taxpayers to deal with. Michael Corkery states that, “ The regulators worry that coal companies will use the bankruptcy courts to pay off their debts to banks and hedge funds, while leaving behind some of their environmental cleanup obligations.”…
Even state leaders cannot predict where it is going, which is dangerous. Saying coal is important to West Virginia is no doubt an understatement. Out of 55 counties, 28 produce coal. Ninety-nine percent of the generated electricity for West Virginia comes from coal. The coal industry payroll is nearly $2 billion per year and is responsible for more than $3.5 billion annually in the gross state product.…
Economic Development- This is a term that refers to raising the standards of living. This is important to the study of Appalachia because its much needed in this area. Economic development is crucial in providing opportunities for the region, building businesses, providing employment and raising the prosperity level. This term also has to do with bringing more technology and more industry into the area.…
Bam! Rock and debris fly through the air. The quiet and peaceful forest which once accommodated numerous different animals is now a biological wasteland suffering from a devastating method of coal collection called strip mining. Humans leave numerous amounts of destruction in their wake, whether it be on a small or large scale. This amount of coal excavation is an immense detriment to Appalachia, and is a horrid evil which needs to be addressed right now.…
Should American families have a two children max rule to limit population growth? American families should have a two children max rule because the world is already overpopulated enough, we're running out of resources, and children are already starving. Excessive amounts of children can be dangerous to the economy. America is most definitely crowded, much like the rest of the world. People live so close to each other nowadays if you both were to reach out the window of your home at the same time, you could shake hands.…