The progression of biological science remodelled society in the setting of Brave New World, the Reservation. Humans were not naturally born, instead they were massively produced in a process called Bokanovsky. It consisted of a long cycle that took place in a complex laboratory. "... a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From …show more content…
It made every action be mechanised, where creativity nor imagination prevail. Each job or occupation was a mechanised operation, people did not think or reason at any moment. Leisure activities were also predomined by the latest technology. Their major entertainment was a movie theatre called “feelies”. All five senses were artificially created, where once again, their free thought, imagination and creativity were blocked. In the Reservation they also played games, but these were all technological apparatus, highlighting their superficial entertainent. Men were no longer amused by their work, abilities, and ideas, instead they were only impressed over new technology. The developing technology also was a big threat to pharmacology. In Brave New World, they had a cure-all drug called “soma”. It place men in a hallucinatory dream world, producing an instant relief from negativity, and allowing contestant happiness. For them it was a reward of good work, or simply the way to scape any uncomftrouble situation."One cubic centimetre cures ten gloomy sentiments"(Huxley Brave New World 53). Soma was the way to scape from life as a whole, not only a moment of pressure. They could spend the whole day under the drug effect since they believed it had no side