14th Dalai Lama, Temple Puja and Bioethical issues such as abortion. Each provides insight into Buddhist Teachings and challenge the mind, body and soul of all Buddhists, as well as the course of action that should be taken. By using the teachings of the Buddha, adherents are guided through these challenges as both an individual and a community, whose final goal is to exit the cycle of Samsara and reach Nirvana.
The 14th Dalai Lama has used the Buddhist teachings as a model that has allowed him to have a profound impact upon the worship of individuals, as well and …show more content…
Just as the Buddhaghosa states that Nirvana can be reached ‘by the Path’, the Dalai Lama shows how Buddhists can follow the path in a way that they will be able to reach Nirvana through correct worship and actions. The 14th Dalai Lama has had a profound impact on the worship of both individuals and the wider Buddhist community. The Buddhists Teachings within Temple Puja also impact on the worship on individuals and the Buddhist Community. Meditation within Temple Puja allows the adherent to understand the Buddhist faith, as well as fully engage within the faith to reach enlightenment. This significant practice within Buddhism provides the adherent with the opportunity to grow spiritually, strengthen and make living their faith, as well as deepen their faith within
Buddhism. The term ‘Puja’ relates mostly to the formal activities within a temple for individuals or groups to take part in. Within Temple Puja, adherents focus and a variety of activities that take place such as chanting, rituals, meditations, invocations and songs. …show more content…
Furthermore, one cultivates the attitude of loving kindness to all beings by wishing that they may be happy and free from harm. Even though many Buddhists strongly discourage abortion, the 14th Dalai Lama himself has said, ‘Of course, abortion, from a Buddhist viewpoint, is an act of killing and is negative, generally speaking. But it depends on the circumstances.’(Bbc.co.uk, 2016). This creates a divide between what many
Buddhists believe. As an individual, an adherent may believe the Dalai Lama to be correct, or incorrect, and make a decision that falls within their understanding of the Eightfold Path and
Five Precepts. But as a community, the choice to abort has implications on the opinions of many, rather than the one. Therefore Buddhist teachings can have an impact on both an individual and the wider Buddhist community through bioethical issues that may arise in their lives. Buddhists as both individuals and a wider community use the teachings of the Buddha to guide them through many challenges they face. The 14th Dalai Lama acts as a model for both individuals and communities, while Temple Puja allows for right meditation in the way of the
Eightfold Path. Finally, Buddhist Teachings greatly affect the choices and views