2. Look over the ACEs measure. What are your thoughts on the events included? Are you surprised that the events have such a strong association with health outcomes? After looking over the ACEs measure, I felt overwhelmed with how much abuse and neglect can affect someone’s outcome on their quality of life. This is because, I was not raced with any neglect or abuse around me, therefore I didn’t realize how much it could impact someone throughout their entire life. For example, “There was 24.7% of women that have said they have been involved in a sexual abuse …show more content…
This is because, Mersky, Topitzes, and Reynolds were focusing on anxiety discorded and trauma during childhood. Specifically, in the article they were focusing on trauma, childhood, adolescence, development psychobiology, threat response, and posttraumatic stress disorder (Pine, 2003). Ms. Nadine Burk Harris and the authors of the article both used and focused their statics on fMRI results. Using the fMRI, it has showed that there are damages to the brain and neurological canals when a child has been abused or neglected in anyway versus a child that has never been abused or neglected (Pine,