People avoid deep communication to the point where sometimes, we are unaware of the things and people that are around us. Technology continues to advance giving us the option to hide behind a screen. What happened to exploring the world and seeing different perspectives of life though our own eyes instead of a screen? In Elizabeth Robinson article “Technology risks are still on the rise” she believes that the impact of technology, on people 's daily lives has increased over the past decade and has changed from “social to anti-social.”(Robinson) .Robinson says “We rely on technology so much that we use it more than we go outside.”
In the article “No Need to Call” Sherry Turkle is concerned because we are so dependent on technology, we ignore those who are around us. In my surroundings I have observed parents’ ignoring their children, and people ignoring each other all because of a phone screen taking over. For example, Turkle mentions a sixteen year old girl named Audrey, technology is part of her life on a daily bass. Audrey’s relationship with her parents has been negative, because technology gets in the way of actually communicating face to face with her family. Audrey’s parents rarely pay attention to her because they focus all their attention to a phone. Audrey finds technology an easy method to communicate well with others. Audrey prefers to text rather than talk on the phone. She does everything to avoid a call; Audrey explains that “the phone is awkward and it’s hard to end a conversation” (pg.379). Many people assume that a phone is just an object but in Audrey’s perspective “she sees her phone as the glue that ties her life together.”(Turkle/Audrey pg.376) On the other hand Jenna Wortham the author of “I Had a Nice Time with You Tonight on the App.” She believes that communicating through a screen has its advantages. I also agree with Jenna Wortham, technology has its advantages; but I also believe it has its disadvantages. “Sometimes we need technology in our life it’s a way of staying connected especially when …show more content…
(Wortham pg.393)At first glance some people might say that social media is to stay connected to manage your acquaintances, to meet new people and of course to stay connected with friends and family. But on closer inspection the thing is that were always sucked in to a screen.
Robinson and Turkle agree with Wortham they also believe that technology has its disadvantages. Turkle reminds us that teenager’s spend more time on their phone than they do talking to “each other.” (Turkle pg. 378) Robinson claims that some apps can be addictive and have a bad influence on people. “In some cases, people have become addicted to certain technology, causing antisocial behavior.” (Robinson) I believe that People will put aside their social abilities, which could affect future employee. Researchers say that the 21st century has been heavily affected by technology by causing stress on people in various way as well as illnesses including hearing loss, eye strain, blurred vision and how much sleep people get. (Robinson)
Technology is a privilege and we shouldn’t abuse it .It seems like in today’s society everything has changed Things have changed generation from generation we went from social to anti-social. Americans rely on social media to make a difference when in reality the only thing that can make a difference is we the