Daycare When running a daycare for children two-years-old and under, many considerations must be made in order to provide the appropriate experiences to help promote their biological, cognitive and psychosocial development. One of my primary goals would be to maintain a group of staff members that I have ensured are reliable, extremely trustworthy and planned on working for me for at least a year or two. I would want to help maintain a constant environment for the zero to two-year-olds. Children who are two-years-old need very different care then one-year-olds or kids who are even younger. As they got closer to two and above, I would make sure they were being read to daily and being exposed to memory exercises, for example, identifying animals and basic shapes, while still being provide with an adequate amount of…
Adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children during early years by making learning fun and enjoyable and using games that require a lot of repetition and turn taking. Singing songs is another way and children don’t realise they are learning this way. Make sure you speak clearly and pronounce your letters and words correctly so children don’t get confused and can easily copy back to you. Always have a positive, friendly tone of voice, smile and use positive body language to encourage children to follow your example. Always give positive comments to children and try to encourage repeated good behaviour by rewarding them with things like stickers and team points so thy and others want to copy this behaviour.…
I learned a lot from this OIR that will affect my future teaching career hopefully in a better approach. I learned that some children develop slower than others and some develop quicker. All children achieve milestones at different times in their lives. Seeing that some children need a little extra help (guidance in independence and taking responsibility) and some children don’t, show that when I’m a teacher, I’m going to have to accommodate to these children’s needs as much as possible. I also learned that some children need more time than others to develop.…
A child develops language skills before being able to speak. When caregivers read out loud to infants and children, we demonstrate the importance and enjoyment of language. Children need experiences in which they are surrounded by rich oral language. When children are given experiences with language at a young age they are being prepared for reading and writing. Children learn language as a natural part of development through their everyday conversations with people who care for them.…
The key factors that can support an effective communication environment are : - Phisical environment- this meen sutable lights, sound -should be not very noisy,sound is allso linked to layout and so thinking carefully about ways of layng out a room to prevent sound from travelling is important. Creating small spaces for children only to help them to feel more secure and to be able to learn and communicate with each other. -Activities and specific toys and resources -the ideal language situation is when the children and adult can take part in sustained conversation with each other. the best time for young children is when they are invilved in activity to play. Children communicate with us more when they are doing something that is interest to…
Infants learn conversational skills through routinized activities, which includes game playing and daily routines (Owens, 012, p. 139). You mentioned some good language games that mothers and caregivers can play with infants that would help with their language development. I believe that the more the parents and caregiver talks to the infant, the more conversational and social skills they will develop. Do you think that infants will be able to develop these skills if their parents or caregiver does not interact with them?…
A few years ago I was asked by my department chair to teach an English Language Development (ELD) class. As I had only been teaching for a year, I was unfamiliar with the full requirements of the class and nervous to take on what I felt was a BIG responsibility. Once I accepted our dean of curriculum asked me to be the ELD advisor. I took two days to decide that with my family background, my grandfather picked fruit for a living and my mom picked and packed growing up, I could make the students understand that working hard in school and continuing their education post high school could help them get more out of life than merely staying at a menial job. My first year was difficult.…
Oral language development refers to the process and stages a child will go through while learning to communicate through spoken words. This process occurs over many years and varies from child to child. Oral language skills begin to develop in babies as they listen to the people around them speak and eventually the child will begin to use language on their own. How quickly a child’s vocabulary grows is greatly influenced by how much the parents talk to their child; however sometimes other factors can be involved such as a mental or a learning disability. Oral language development is critical because it is the foundation of literacy development.…
If these indicators are not met, this could be a cause for concern. Language development can be encouraged, through social interaction between the caregiver and the child. Activities such…
Generally speaking, most children acquire the language quickly and effortlessly. There are some questions concerning how language is learned? Generally, how language is learned has 2 different theories, namely the behaviorist, the interactionist views. According to the behaviorist, a child learning the language is simply a matter of imitation and habit formation, he can imitate the sounds and pattern of the people around him. The interactionist claims that language learning is a result of the complex interplay between the human characteristics of the child and the environment in which he grows, which holds the modified language input is crucial, which also is suitable for the child capability.…
Language and Literacy for teachers Assessment 1 Thesis A child’s language development is intertwined with all other areas of their development and therefore it plays an integral role in their cognitive and intellectual growth. Introduction Language is an abstract set of principles that specify the relationship between a sequence of sounds and a sequence of meanings. Everyday life constitutes and intrinsic part of the way language is used.…
Language plays an important role in a child’s intellectual, emotional and social development. Language can be both seen and heard. Language is a guide to social reality (Sapir, 1949). For example, body language, sign language and the social convention about how to combine words, express and connect ideas to interact with other people. All language including written, visual and spoken developed from cultural and social contexts and understood in people's social and cultural background (Green, 2006, p.2).…
The ways in which one speaks to a child does in turn effect the way in which the child develops their language skills. In her article An analysis of child caregivers’ language during book sharing with toddler-age children, Paula Rhyner quotes Katherine Nelson by stating that “It has been suggested that adult language that is slightly more complex than…
1. What three questions are important to consider when examining a language development theory? Write out each question and provide a description of the major points of all three. There are three questions that are important to consider when examining a language development theory.…
How baby talk can help? As mentioned above, baby talk is characterized by slower and more repetitive tone than used in regular conversation and the speech is more likely in shorter, simpler utterances. Do infants pay greater attention to speech with such characteristics? The answer appears to be yes: They show a clear preference for it, from an early age, over adult-directed speech (e.g., Fernald 1985; Panneton Cooper & Aslin 1990; Werker, Pegg, & McLeod 1994; see also Zangl & Mills 2007).…