Superego In Lord Of The Flies Essay

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One other aspect of the Freudian Theory in the ego—the state of mind that finds compromise between the id and superego. This aspect is personified as the main character in Lord of the Flies, Ralph. Yet another boy who can accurately represent the id is Jack, the main antagonist of the novel. A major distinction between the two is the way they rule over the group. Ralph attempts to lead the group through order and balance. He does this by establishing rules, such as giving “the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking…and he won’t be interrupted.” (Golding, pg.25). The conch he mentions is the symbol of order and civilization and is Ralph’s indication of power. He does what he can to listen to each of the boys’ opinions and …show more content…
His spear symbolizes brutality, savagery, and his dictatorship-like power. By emphasizing violence and bloodshed, Jack rules on his own desires and no one else’s needs. Their authority is not the only concept that exemplifies the id and ego. A main objective repeated throughout Lord of the Flies, is the hunt. Although Ralph feels an urge to help kill for the group, he does not prioritize it. Being aware of this temptation and not giving in is supporting evidence that he symbolizes the ego in the novel. When Ralph does participates in the hunt in chapter seven, he is “full of fright and apprehension and pride” (Golding, pg.100). Although the hunt filled him with adrenaline, the fear that was present showed that he is not completely bloodthirsty and continues to balance between the id and superego. Adversely, to Jack, hunting is the most important concept—not for the rest of the group, but for himself. When he engages in the hunt, he becomes the true id. As he and his hunters are hunting the sow, they do not only kill for food. They “followed, wedded to her in lust, excited by the long chase and the dropped blood” (Golding,

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