After 9/11 security has been taken very serious and airlines have also forced full body scans, the occasional pat downs (for the lucky ones). Many people have also said that they feel they have had full body scans done on them because of the way they look, the religion they are, and the skin color. Although airlines are very cautious on who boards the plane they should not have the right to have full body scans on one just because of the color of their skin or where they are from and the way they look or talk. Before the advent of color-code security threat warnings, pat downs were really rare, liquids were also allowed, and the need to go through full-body scanners were the stuff of science fiction. Heck, previously of the 9/11 attack, some security teams allowed passengers take box cutters aboard (the supposed weapon used by the 9/11 hijackers.…
But after the attacks, the Aviation and Transportation act was put into place. Before the attacks, some airports had very minimal security, but now you wont enter an airport without being asked to take off your shoes and walk through a metal detector. Maybe, if…
“Air travel will never be the same; security checks will be more stringent, time-consuming, and invasive.” She also reveals that these effects will be present every time we enter a plane. Murphy feels that “America has a bad habit of taking a tragedy, like Columbine and then going overboard to combat it, such as…
In his article “How 9/11 Changed America: Four Major Lasting Impacts” Matthew Green laments the time when “it wasn’t unusual to show up at the airport a half-hour before a domestic flight, keep your shoes tied tight, and skip through the metal detector while sipping a Big Gulp, all without ever having to show an ID” (Green). Now the Transportation Security Administration, created by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act, has federalized airport security. Villemez summarizes the TSA with, “The new TSA implemented procedures that included stricter guidelines on passenger and luggage screening. Only ticketed passengers could go through security, and an ever-changing array of machinery and procedures were introduced to scan for weapons and destructive items. As new threats were discovered after 9/11, new procedures were introduced, including removing shoes and banning liquids” (Villemez).…
The events that occurred on September 11, 2001 changed the United States forever. The terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon scarred America by killing thousands of innocent citizens, tearing apart families, and highlighting how vulnerable we are to random acts of violence. September 11th was the first time since Pearl Harbor in 1941 that the United States was attacked on its own soil. The attackers really had two goals in mind in executing this terrorist act.…
This is what enable the government to search everyone boarding a plane. This goes for foreign people and even citizens (Poladian). The government wants to see everyone that will be boarding their planes to see if there may be a threat lurking that they may not see at the moment (Poladian). The Aviation and Transportation Security Act is the reason why people need to show up to the airport a few hours early to go through all of the security check points (Poladian). This act just entails the part of taking off your belt and shoes to show you are not hiding anything while trying to board a plane (Poladian).…
In fact, it is ironic to try to teach a child the sky’s the limit but you will be bound if you exercise your constitutional rights with civil disobedience. On the other hand, the use of bag check stations, metal detectors, surveillance tools and the increase presence—symbolically paints a picture of confinement, institutionalized and corrective behavior pattern, anticipated criminal behavior. In fact these ambiances are duplicated in the images of elevated security. These replicas of correctional institutions, courthouses or airports are militarized changes that prioritize restraint over freedom.…
The Department of Homeland Security and the US Patriot Act where created and passed as a direct result of the terrorist attacks orchestrated on September 11, 2001. As a package, both work to preserve life and liberty to citizens of the United States, whether in the homeland or abroad. Therefore, the Department of Homeland Security, while utilizing the US Patriot Act, has partnered with local law enforcement in order to be on the front lines of detecting and preventing homeland terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security, through the use of the US Patriot Act, has affected the local criminal justice process through the militarization of law enforcement and the deployment of cutting edge surveillance techniques and equipment.…
Due to these new TSA guidelines and screenings, the new systems greatly decreases the chances of a terrorist attack happening while in flight or in the…
Introduction The United States Department of Transportation is a cabinet level agency of the federal government responsible for planning and coordination of federal transportation projects. This simply means it is responsible for helping maintain and develop the nation’s transportation systems and infrastructure. The department also plays a key role by providing funding to state and local authorities each year to help improve transportation programs throughout the country. It is also mandated with the responsibility of setting regulations for all major modes of transportation.…
The fight to control illegal immigration, trafficking, and terrorism is a continual effort of the United States and others as they consider human rights and a law enforcement approach to control the borders. In 2014, US Customs and Border Protection ran an ad called “Dangers Campaign” in South America as a mass outreach to warn people of the dangers of migration (Kaneti & Assis, 2016, p. 296). This low-cost approach pales in comparison to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) overall manpower of a quarter million employees and an annual budget exceeding $60 billion dollars annually. DHS’s number one priority is preventing terrorism and enhancing security by a layered infrastructure on land, in the air, and on the sea (DHS Budget, 2016,…
Airport Security and Law Enforcement are different when targeting a suspect. When a TSA officer, a person who works at the airport that inspect passengers and their luggage, mostly targets U.S citizens of foreign descent or foreigner from another country traveling.…
The ALPA (Airline Pilots’ Association) said during one of its filing reports that, “Less-than-lethal weapons are not suited for countering hijackers and terrorists (Scott).” Less-than-lethal weapons will never be as effective as a firearm, and the risk for both is…
The federal government – in other words, the tax payers – picked up the rest of the organization’s $8 billion dollar tab.” (Dickler, 2011)One can see these costs as a negative and argue against the regulations. The benefits of the new regulations show far better safety, on time flights better baggage handling and fewer cancellations. “But how do travelers feel? According to a poll by Rasmussen Reports last year 30% of Americans say the…
While the government made safety precautions after 9/11, they added metal detectors and other security to airports. The TSA officers began to check the passenger’s personal luggage, and restricted the number of items one must be allowed on the plane. The new laws were stripping away rights by adding the security and having the participants submit to these laws. It is unconstitutional and it goes against the fourth amendment of the U.S. Constitution, “the rights of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no…