The data collected from Behavioral Treatment Services (BTS) was manually entered to help the researcher analyze the data. The data was organized into columns and described using the following nominal variables as column headings: treatment outcome, trauma cohort, ethnicity, and race. education level, and referral source. The trauma cohort was coded as 0 for no trauma group and 1 for trauma group. Age and education level were entered using the numerical value pulled from BTS archives with U indicating any age or education level which was unspecified.…
The current study was a longitudinal study that assessed data from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS). I chose the HRS data because it includes participants that are over the age of 50 and their health status. Age is generally important to the current study because strokes typically occur in older age (Dries & Hussein, 2015). The HRS study began in 1992 and consisted of 12,652 participants that were eligible for interviews and had a response rate of 81.6% (Health and Retirement Study, 2015). This study surveyed individuals over five separate waves, with the last wave consisting of participants that were born between 1948 and 1953 (Health and Retirement Study, 2015).…
In 1990, obese adults represented less than 15 percent of the U.S. Population but by 2010, the obesity crisis had hit an unprecedented high. Thirty-six “states had obesity rates of 25 percent or higher, and 12 of those had obesity rates of 30 percent or higher” (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, 2015, para. 1). Today, obesity has fast become a national health crisis, a crisis of vacated immunity when considering approximately two out of three adults are either overweight or obese. Although African Americans have the highest-age-adjusted rates of obesity for reasons to follow, this paper will focus on obesity and its impact on the Hispanic population. Hispanic Population Statistics Currently, national data suggest 78.6 percent of Hispanic males are either overweight or obese, followed by Hispanic females at 77.2 percent.…
Sibbritt, Byles and Regan (2007) identified the minimum criteria to assist the prediction of decline in physical health related quality of life among women. The study was conducted in 1996-2002. From the survey three categories were generated which described physical health related quality of life and future physical decline as measured by physical component summary score of the Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) SF-36 (Ware & Sherbourne, 1992). The medical outcome study SF-36 is a generic profile measure of self-reported health-related quality of life The SF-36 is a widely used and well-validated health profile that has been extensively reviewed for use with older populations.…
Prevalence of opioid abuse varies based on age and gender. Men are at higher risk for opioid abuse than women, for instance, but are more likely to seek treatment. Men also account for more opioid overdoses than women, although this gap is closing. Women are more likely to be prescribed pain relievers, be given higher doses, use them for longer, and may become dependent faster.…
These main concepts include multimodal intervention, focused pain management, and patient involvement as a contribution to the balance between analgesia and their side effects (Good, 1998). Multimodal intervention outlines managing a balance between the usages of many types of pain relief in order to decrease the likelihood of unwanted side effects. Pharmacologic methods are used with non-pharmacologic methods to achieve holistic intervention. Attentive care encompasses regular pain assessments in conjunction with monitoring for side effects. This allows for the identification of the impact of the pain relief method and whether or not it was adequately successful.…
Throughout this discussion board I will discuss the summary from articles pertaining to the vulnerability of the older adult, what puts older adults at risk and what can be done to eliminate their risk. I do agree that the elderly throughout the world are extremely vulnerable. The changes in exposure to the climate influences the older adult’s health during extreme temperatures making them vulnerable to their environment. Decreased mobility, financial hardships, numerous illnesses and diseases which require multiple doctor visits, as well as mental impairments place the elderly at higher risk for illness and injury. According to an article by Gamble, (2013) key factors that influence their vulnerability are socio-demographic factors such…
Addiction to pain killers: Opioids The word addiction, according to the Merriam – Webster dictionary means, a strong and harmful need to regularly have or do something. For example, taking drugs, gambling, alcohol, sex and more. This specific essay gives information about being addicted to pain killers (opioids).…
As our world ages more problems arise. Whether it is political issues, economic issues, or even crime, it affects all age groups. Most of the issues occurring today are associated with the younger generations. However, there are issues that are being overlooked in the elderly population. Substance abuse in the elderly is one of the fastest growing issues in the United States.…
Systolic blood pressure was analysed separately by BMI category in Studies B3P104833, B3A20005, and B3I105940. Additional variables were created within the combined datasets to create subset populations and categories for analysis. 3.2.3 Statistical Methodology General Methodological Considerations Subjects were included in all analyses if they received at least one dose of study medication. All data analyses were performed using SAS Version 9.2 and underwent double programming as part of the quality control process. Categorical data were summarized by the number and percent of subjects.…
Neck pain is a very common problem in the United States, affecting 30-50% of adults every year. The chronic disability caused by neck pain is substantial, ranking second only to low back pain. Neck pain is a very costly disability, costing $85.9 billion in 2005, nearly 9% of the total health care expenditure. This high cost in neck pain may be caused by patients receiving ineffective treatments, causing increased disability. To combat this disability, Joint Mobilization (JM) and exercise has been shown to be more effective than exercise or JM alone.…
James Smith is a self employed 59-year-old male, who is a senior citizen of Australia. Mr. Smith has attended this interview in the interest of his health and to obtain a general health perspective for himself. In regards to past and present history, Mr. Smith has minimal health ramifications and seems to be a healthy male for his age. One issue that was noted, however was the minimal exercise that Mr. Smith completes daily, his present exercise being below the recommended levels for someone of his age. Mr. Smith additionally empathised that he presently suffers from blood pressure issues as well as general aches and pains, which he claims is due to his old age.…
Within the study, there were several strengths and weaknesses regarding how the study was designed and developed. The strength of having different interventions provided great comparison when looking at the results section regarding effective management. Each management was explained about the specific aspects that were done in each guideline. For example, the GOLD guidelines intervention focused on reducing the risk and symptoms of the patients. The fact that the study was randomized, controlled, and longitudinal was a strength regarding the results and the effectiveness of each management.…
Patterns of Illness and Wellness Nadejda Kan NURS 301 School of Professional Studies CUNY FALL 2016 Abstract This paper addresses the patterns of illness and wellness of a 75-year-old woman presented to the Emergency Department at New York Medical Center with complaints of chest pain. Patterns of Health and illnesses are influenced by different factors such as age, gender, geographical location, social status, genetics, familial history, education and environment. Some of health behaviors that include physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol consumption and diet choices affect the patterns of health and illnesses.…
Harshad Patil Assignment Name BA 6933 Statistics and Quantitative Methods Date: 10/14/2017 Business management problem The potential business management problem identified is at a bookstore. The problem identified is that there is variation in the sales (in $1000s) relative to the number of sales persons. However, this is not true at all cases.…