forbears by means of physical prowess and mental agility. From the early nomads who
constantly traveled and foraged in search for food sources, humans quickly adapted to the
practice of growing crops, agriculture. Agriculture led to the settlement of larger, more organized
groups who were able to farm and create a surplus of food supply. This revolutionary advance
altered the way in which humans lived together and paved the way for the splendors of
civilization. In the article “The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race”, Jared
Diamond claims that agriculture, which had facilitated humans’ jobs and brought great
technological advances to the world, was …show more content…
With agriculture came the
curses of social and sexual inequality, disease, and despotism”. However, his key points are
debatable as to whether or not they really led to a collapse in society. In contemporary times,
there exists an obvious division of class: the affluent, the middle class, and the indigent.
Although this division led to the struggle for power, warfare, and subjugation, the outcome of
these events guided as a tool to build the future. Learning from previous mistakes led to a better
economy as the U.S. unemployment rate has currently decreased from 9.80% in the month of
January 2012 to 5.10% in August 2015. Without class divisions, there would be no solid purpose
for people to have to work and survive. Once all is equal, the determination to become the
superior, by the never ending competition class division brought, is lost. Just as the Marxist
theory of history states, the history of the world will come to an end once the struggle for wealth
vanishes. Therefore, class division was a pivotal aspect in the creation of life.
Diseases may have brought threat to people a few years back. Yet,