Moreover, his deduction that the majority of combatants bore an ardent nous of jingoistic and sociopolitical obligation refutes the preponderant creed that Civil War legionnaires had finite or no notion of what they were striving for. Likewise, in their inscriptions and their accounts, these collected men were capable of remarking and prosing, regarding a eclectic multiplicity of subject matters associated of they were imperiled to in the course of the Civil War. Correspondingly, their discernments illustrate just how zealously they felt, and how piquantly they sustained their principles, which in turn divulges far more vigilant contemplation of the ethical concerns of the conflict. Consequently, those that participated in the American Civil War existed merely eighty years following the ratification of the Declaration of Independence, therefore these combatants deemed the bequest and onus assigned to them by those before them, so that they may uphold their tenuous republic. Similarly, whether it was through the secession or union of their country, the soldiers that contributed in America’s bloodiest war, sensed it was a moral value worth dying …show more content…
Furthermore, a seamless exemplification of how significant the American Civil War truly was, is how even the Quakers, individuals who hold derision for the act of violence, so stalwartly had devotion in the ambition of the liberation of the slaves, that they essentially volunteered to be a part of the Union Army. Also, a letter in What They Fought For was between two Quaker brothers who explicated why they partook in the Civil War. The elder brother professed that a soldier gambling his life for liberty is imperiling something that has more value than life itself, and even though every soldier’s soul beats it’s last pulse, their lungs respire their conclusive breath, but what might be a nobler purpose than to perish for the inkling of equality and freedom. Subsequently, following the elder brother’s demise, the younger sibling penned to his grieving mother, "[o]h, God, thy price for freedom is a dear one, but nevertheless we must pay that