Considering the fundamental differences between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson dating back to the Declaration of Independence, the two running against one another would prove to be an interesting battle. While Adams reported having a “general distrust of common people” (19) Jefferson believed in “individual liberty and equality of opportunity” (20). These two beliefs became the groundwork for how each candidate would present their ideal form of governmental functioning. Likewise, it is through this election that groups of people began to separate, agreeing or disagreeing with politicians and how the government should play a role in a
Considering the fundamental differences between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson dating back to the Declaration of Independence, the two running against one another would prove to be an interesting battle. While Adams reported having a “general distrust of common people” (19) Jefferson believed in “individual liberty and equality of opportunity” (20). These two beliefs became the groundwork for how each candidate would present their ideal form of governmental functioning. Likewise, it is through this election that groups of people began to separate, agreeing or disagreeing with politicians and how the government should play a role in a