Otherwise, she would feel exhausted because she couldn’t even go to the grocery store by herself, which means she couldn’t fit in the traditional role as a mother and wife. Another example is the story of my friend’s family. Her parents have been immigrated here for 30 years, and they live in the Chinese community, which belongs to ethnic community. The article “Adaptation Among Immigrant Families: Resources and Barriers” points out that “ethnic communities— that is, neighborhoods populated primarily by individuals and families from the same culture.” The ethnic enclaves, which is the extreme form of ethnic community, support new immigrant families with a lot of resources and help them cope with prejudice and discrimination (Bush et al., 2017). However, because of people live in the Chinese community, so they barely practice English or take English classes. Thus, my friends’ parents still ask my friend to make phone call for them because they feel embarrassed that if they couldn’t respond properly by using English. Also, they never the community because they are afraid being discriminated by others because of their poor
Otherwise, she would feel exhausted because she couldn’t even go to the grocery store by herself, which means she couldn’t fit in the traditional role as a mother and wife. Another example is the story of my friend’s family. Her parents have been immigrated here for 30 years, and they live in the Chinese community, which belongs to ethnic community. The article “Adaptation Among Immigrant Families: Resources and Barriers” points out that “ethnic communities— that is, neighborhoods populated primarily by individuals and families from the same culture.” The ethnic enclaves, which is the extreme form of ethnic community, support new immigrant families with a lot of resources and help them cope with prejudice and discrimination (Bush et al., 2017). However, because of people live in the Chinese community, so they barely practice English or take English classes. Thus, my friends’ parents still ask my friend to make phone call for them because they feel embarrassed that if they couldn’t respond properly by using English. Also, they never the community because they are afraid being discriminated by others because of their poor