The Sub-Saharan region before trade had many achievements before the development of trade; metalworking skills, strong political government and the balance of job specialization. One of the major achievements was the advanced metalworking skills allowing the people to create art and other religious creations. Another achievement is the strong political system systems that were involved in the region. The political systems allowed safety for the travelers and people of the region. Last, the region created the balance of job specialization that was vital to the growth of the area.
A major achievement was the advanced metalworking skills allowing the people to create art and other religious creations. Documents four, six, and seven clearly …show more content…
Documents one and three cleary indicates that the strong political government was used to benefit the people and economy. In document three it discusses how a traveler can travel without fear of theft or robbery. The intended audience of the document was for people living in the mid-fourteenth century to read and learn of about the travels of Ibn Battuta. The document shows that the strong political system allowed people to travel freely and under a safe ruling government. Although not stated in the documents Ibn Battuta, who traveled the world, wrote many books about his travelers. Also through his traveling and books, he wrote he created cross-cultural diffusion by sharing his travels so people could learn and embrace parts of other