The Japanese soldiers who attacked Nanking gave no mercy to the people, especially the women. They “arrived [at a Chinese temple], rounded up all the young women, chose ten, and raped them in a room at the temple. Later the same day, a very drunken Japanese soldier went into one room demanding wine and women. Wine was given, but no girls. Enraged, he started to shoot wildly, killing two young boys, then left” (The Japanese Military). These soldiers could not be thinking straight or they knew exactly what they were doing. The innocent people of Nanking did not deserve this just because their rulers were fighting. When other races need help and “if the U.S. has the ability to prevent the systematic killing of an innocent group of civilians who are being systematically ‘cleansed’ due to their ethnicity, religion, etc., we have a moral obligation to do so” (Should the U.S.). Being able to do something to help gives people a chance of freedom instead of watching innocent people die is a resposibily. Does that not resemble other nations as being an accomplice and not just a witness, for not taking action or reason. All that the Japanese wanted was to rule and by “determined to destroy the city, the Japanese looted and burned at least one-third of Nanking’s buildings” (Nanjing Massacre). Their sole purpose was to conquer, but they did more than …show more content…
The mass killing did not end until 1938 in February. They became so strong that “the Japanese commanders in Nanking were unwilling or unable to control their troops. Only after Matsui returned to Nanking in early February 1938, six weeks after the fall of the city, did order and discipline improve among the occupying troops”(The Japanese Military). Matsui, the leading general of the Japanese military actions of China, was not aware of all the terrors the Japanese military was doing upon the Nanking citizens. Matsui had to discipline his soldiers in order to stop them. All of the genocides such as this one all began to happen from the same thing, power and control. The Holocaust, Cambodian genocide, Armenian genocide, Bosnian genocide, and most if not all of the other genocides that happened came to be due to wanting control. Any future genocides will be started from the same