Stereotypes In Disney Films

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Disney has become known for its iconic characters, movies, TV shows and resorts throughout the world and throughout the history. Disney has also become an iconic source for portrayals of society teachings, values and lessons. Society places stereotypes on women that are frequently shown in Disney films, such as princesses being portrayed to show that outward beauty is the most important thing and that they should rely on men for survival and success.
Disney has the common theme of presenting princesses as weak women who are in need of rescuing by men. Women are often perceived by society as being dependent on men and having passive personalities. The damsel in distress is a shared name for many of Disneys’ princesses. Cinderella does not leave her wicked family until Prince Charming comes to save her and Princess Aurora, needs “true loves’ kiss” to wake her from her sleep, which is given by Prince Phillip. These princess cannot save themselves and are continually in need of others help.
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Women are taught to be gentle, kind and caring together with being strong. They must also be “lady-like” and act in a presentable manner. Princess Merida, in Brave, is being forced to be wed and her mother is convinced to make her the perfect princess. Merida loves hunting and archery, skills he has learned from her father, and she does not want to conform to what is expected of her. However, her mother does not like her behaviour and wants to teach her differently so that she is perfect for her

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