The movie begins with Sam White, a biracial, outspoken college radio host uses sarcasm to bring to light the stereotypes that she and her fellow black classmates face being at an all white college. Throughout the film we see her speak on black culture and how white students can be dismissive to it. She makes references mocking her white college classmates in her broadcasts with statements like fear of being political correct when saying African American rather than “black people”; or having more
The movie begins with Sam White, a biracial, outspoken college radio host uses sarcasm to bring to light the stereotypes that she and her fellow black classmates face being at an all white college. Throughout the film we see her speak on black culture and how white students can be dismissive to it. She makes references mocking her white college classmates in her broadcasts with statements like fear of being political correct when saying African American rather than “black people”; or having more