Stem Cell Cycle Project

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Stem Cell Cycle Project
A Stem Cell is in the class of undifferentiated cells because it is able to adapt into another cell is one part of the body is losing cells. There are two types of Stem cells, you have Adult Stem Cells and Embryonic Stem cells. Adult Stem cells or Somatic Stem Cells, exit the body after Embryonic stage, and can be found in many types of tissue. Somatic Stem Cells are found in children and also in Adults but Adult Stem cells are only found in adults. Stem cells have been found in the brain, blood, skeletal muscles and the liver. Adult and Somatic Stem cells are able to self renew into a whole different cell, and have different functions then the cell that help make that new cell. Stem cells have mainly been study in living
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Some researchers say that they do not consider Adult Stem cells essential and they don’t have to be a renewal cells. Embryonic Stem cells are, have to do with the reproduction system.
There are 4 classes of stem cells unipotent, multipotent, Pluripotent, and totipotent. A totipotent is one of the most valuable cells because it can develop into any cell in the entire body. Multipotent cells can develop into anything also they are just more restricted than the Pluripotent cells. Pluripotent can turn into anything in the whole body, and have the potential to turn into any cell in the body. Unipotent can self reproduce. Stem cells are different from all other cells because, they keep dividing for long period of time. Skin cells can not replicate themselves as long as Stem cells are able to replicate themselves. They are unspecialized. Specialized cells allow them to only do certain tasks and unspecialized cells don’t really have a limit on what they are able to do. A short list of the things that embryonic stem cells may someday be used to treat include spinal cord injuries, stroke, skin burns, arthritis, birth defects, diabetes and heart disease. Stem cells are only able to replicate themselves if the human or animal is still alive. When a stem cells divides it has the potential to stay as

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