The first one that I will touch on is the Structural-Functional theory and how it applies in this movie. Structural-Functional theory as stated by textbook says, “is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability” (Macionis, 2015). This theory is apparent when it comes to the relationship that the Church has with the community of Boston. A majority of Bostonians are Catholics and are members of the Catholic Church. While The Boston Globe is suing the Church for files that have been sealed a ripple effect begins to happen in the community. Police officers don’t want to talk against Cardinal Law and lawyers are also afraid of the church because they are worried about being bullied by the Church. Eric MacLeish finally spoke with Sacha and Mike and told them some disturbing news. He told them that in the 1990’s he represented 100’s of victims who had been sexually abused by priests in the area. He settled with the Church on all of these cases outside of the courtroom in order to get …show more content…
“Symbolic-Interaction is a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals” (Macionis, 2015). In the movie the Spotlight team speaks with a survivor named Phil Saviano. During the interview Phil explains that he felt like a “chosen one” because the priest was giving him attention, he felt special. He said Father David Holley started out slowly by first telling dirty jokes, then advancing to pornographic magazines, then progressing to masturbation. He said, “How do you say no to God?” (McCarthy, 2015). These children trusted their priests and trusted that they would protect them. They were able to trick these children because they wore the