According to Nicholls & Jones (2013) the purpose of sports coaching is to improve the performance of an athlete or sports team. This is also reflected by The International Coaching Federation (2014) who defines sports coaching as a process of partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to reach their personal and professional potentials. Cushion (2006) states that a large part of coaching knowledge and practice is based on experiences, such as working with and observing experienced coaches. This provides a great opportunity for a coach to learn and develop his/her understanding from someone with a greater knowledge and experience (Mitchell, 2013).
Over the last eight weeks I’ve had the opportunity to work with the Letterkenny Institute of Technology’s (LYIT) Kayaking Team and had the privilege of working alongside one of the most experienced kayak coaches Co. Donegal has to offer. Kayaking is classed as a physically demanding extreme outdoor adventure sport that requires good cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, balance, coordination and reaction time (Infinite Ideas, 2012) (Dillon & Oyen, 2009).Tracey, et al. (2013) states that kayaking offers a wide variety of disciplines to the adventure sports athlete such as Sea Kayaking, White-water Kayaking, Kayaking Polo and the new discipline of Freestyle Kayaking which has emerged as a new and exciting branch of the dominant white-water sports culture. The physiological and psychological demands of the athlete varies from each discipline (Draper & Hodgson, 2008). For example the physiological demands in freestyle kayaking is very different to that of a whitewater slalom race. Even within a discipline, the nature of the water can change both the physical intensity and mental demands required from that athlete (Draper & Hodgson, 2008). According to Hillary (2009) physical fitness is an essential component of kayaking. …show more content…
Being physically fit enables you to take better care of yourself on the water and not have to rely on the skills and abilities of those around you. While there are some unavoidable situations where injury occurs, most accidents and injuries in kayaking are a direct result of paddler fatigue (Dillon & Oyen, 2009). Dillon & Oyen (2009) suggest that being mentally exhausted while kayaking could result in making poor decisions when reading the river, and physical exhaustion could result in the athlete being flipped over by the flow of water during difficult parts of the river or even being pushed into dangerous zones. However with proper paddling technique and physical fitness most of these accidents and injuries could be avoided (Houston & Fiore, 2001).
Athlete Profile:
The athlete I have chosen to base this assignment on is Shane Harkin. Shane is a 17 year old male, weighs __ kg, is __cm in height and has a Body Mass Index (BMI) of __. Shane is currently a first year student studying a Bachelor of Science (Hons) in _____________ at Letterkenny Institute of Technology. He has a great interest in sports and fitness and is actively involved in a wide variety of different sports, ranging from soccer to Gaelic.
Shane’s primary sport is Kayaking where he plays ______. Shane started Kayaking when he was just 10 years old at his local Kayaking club in Moville.
Shane has won a number of awards and has reached many milestones throughout Kayaking career. Analysis of Training Needs: According to The Sport Information Resource Centre ((SIRC), 2013) setting goals is one of the most beneficial aspects of sport as it provides a foundation for how coaches and athletes plan competition, practice and training. Taylor & Wilson (2005) suggest that goal setting is an important strategy to improve an athletes’ motivation and increase performance. Performance goals refer to an athletes’ performance in relation to their own personal standard of excellence, and are the building blocks that help an athlete reach their desired outcome goal (YSC Sports Mental Age, 2012) (Taylor & Wilson, 2005). These goals are entirely under the athletes’ control and would incorporate examples such as working out a number of days to increase upper body strength. Barker, et al. (2005) states that the most effective way of setting both long term and short term goals is by setting SMART goals. Any goals that you set should follow the five guidelines used in this SMART model (Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant and Timed) (Saipe, et al., 2003). Specific: Specific goals should be clear and well defined and not