Bob Ewell and his family of eight children live behind Maycomb's dump. Ewell uses his welfare money to buy alcohol while his children go hungry. He can be best described as a drunken, lazy, mostly unemployed member of Maycomb's poorest family. With his wrongful accusation that Tom Robinson raped his daughter, Ewell represents the narrow minded South which includes ignorance, scarcity, and racial…
The series is an American made animation series about the adventures of a character and a few friends in the city of bikini bottom and journeying through the daily lives of the friends of SpongeBob and mainly…
Melba Pattillo Beals impressed me the most. Though many of her qualities were impressive and rare, I will be talking about two of them today. The first quality that I thought was most impressive was her kindness. Beals showed this quality throughout the book many times. One time she showed this trait was at Central High School.…
In the film The Breakfast Club Bender is seen as the delinquent kid who doesn’t care about anyone. However, he sacrifices himself for the rest of the group when they are almost caught on their way back to the library by running through the halls yelling for Mr. Vernon. Archer, a character in the novel Damned is also portrayed as a criminal with a tall spiked mohawk, a leather jacket, and a safety pin in his cheek. He too makes a sacrifice for the rest of the group when he rescues Maddy from Psezpolnica and instead gets eaten himself. Through these actions it is shown that both characters do care about the people around them.…
As Squarepants answers him with a “No,” the snail flees and starts biting all the town’s citizens. Patrick then dashes off into town spreading all this talk on the disease and Bikini-Bottom spirals into chaos. The news finally hits the new stations and suddenly the idea that the sickness also spreads by air arises. Now each Bikinibottomite believes that they have contracted the disease and the entire town is up in flames. Suddenly all the ridicule is put to a halt as an S.D.E.+S.E. (Sail Disease Expert as well as a Snail Expert) steps in.…
A very similar story concept can be found in the novels of Horatio Alger’s Ragged Dick and Robert Herrick’s The Memoirs of an American Citizen. The two authors both approach the notion of the American Success Myth through a young man with humble origins. This main character is then given multiple opportunities to rise himself out of poverty and achieve success. In addition to being given favorable circumstances, the books’ protagonists demonstrate some identical personality traits that are required in obtaining success.…
“Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success,” a quote from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, provides a glimpse into an important theme of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, written by Ransom Riggs. The beginning of the story takes place in present day Florida, where the main character, Jacob Portman, lives. The rest of the story takes place on Cairnholm Island in Wales in both the present and on September 3, 1940. Jacob is a sixteen-year-old boy who shows great courage when faced with many challenges. Jacobs’s first challenge was overcoming the death of his grandfather.…
Bojack horseman is a 50 year old male horse actor. He is the main anti-protagonist on the Netflix Original show, Bojack Horseman. BoJack Horseman is intelligent, self-loathing, narcissistic, irritable and self-destructive. He was born and raised in San Francisco, California, and grew up in a dysfunctional family.. His family relationship is strained and the only member he loves is he's sister, Hollyhock, who was a product of an affair by Bojack’s father and maid.…
Qualities of a Leader Everyone has someone they look up to, since they were a child maybe and up to this day. Everyone has someone they look up to, since they were a child maybe and up to this day. Just a few days ago I was watching a movie about James Braddock, and now he is one of the main people I look up to. Though not all leaders are champions, they are both courageous and passionate about what they are trying to accomplish James J. Braddock was one of the many people trying to strive for accomplishment during the Great Depression. He went from having all the money and fame, to having absolutely nothing, but he had his mind set.…
Blue Portrayals Mr. Blue is an interesting look into idealized christianity. The book examines the life of the “perfect” christian man, the world’s reaction to him, and his own feelings. Mr. J. Blue lives the kind of christian existence that most of us wish we were able to. However, the book asks if this romanticized practice of christianity really the best way to worship. Mr. Blue is undeniably devoted to his religion.…
1. What do you think of Piper Kerman? Does she deserve the sentence she received? - Based on the excerpt that I read, it does not take quite long to acknowledge Piper Kerman’s distinctive behavior and personality traits. For starters, she is trying incredibly hard to put up a tough persona, and was failing to maintain it.…
The Protector of all Sidekicks Imagine trying to talk to your parents but all they hear is gibberish coming from your mouth. Imagine not being able to walk in a straight line. Imagine feeling alone. Someone with autism deals with these issues every day.…
A hero is known as one who has been admired or idealized for his or her courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Many heroes have similar stages throughout their adventure, although they do not necessarily encounter the same situations. In the film Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Rey, the main protagonist, sets upon an unexpected journey in a galaxy far, far way, where she faces the many challenges of a Hero’s Quest. She is shown in her Ordinary World on the planet Jakku, Meets the Mentor, the legendary smuggler Han Solo, and finally faces her Ordeal against Kylo Ren, the grandson of the Sith Lord Darth Vader.…
Life in Context – The Developmental Analysis of Dwayne Hoover The most important developmental task adolescents’ face is the formation of a sense of identity (Erickson, 1968). Identity is a powerful construct, it aids in finding life paths and in making decisions (Schwartz et al., 2011) it defines who people are, and is constructed in the context of the environment around them, and their interactions with society (Erickson, 1968; Ibáñez-Alfonso, Sun, & Van Schalkwyk, 2016). However, identity formation does not happen neatly (Marcia, 1966) and the present essay examines the character Dwayne Hoover as his search for identity as his character develops throughout the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Character Description Dwayne is an adolescent,…
Big Bang Theory Application Paper Sheldon Cooper is one of the main characters in the Television Series The Big Bang Theory. The Big Bang Theory is about a girl named Penny, who moves into an apartment across the hall from two genius physicists (Belyeu, 2007). This television show displays the lives of these three people and their friends inside and outside of their workplace, as well as their personal lives (Belyeu, 2007).…