Space Shuttle Columbia Research Paper

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Fifteen years ago on February 1, 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia Crashed. Columbia launched January 16, 2003. Around 82 seconds after Columbia had lifted-off a piece of foam had fallen from a “biopod ramp” which was a piece that helped support the external tank. With this piece fallen the department of defense prepared to use the orbital spy cameras to get a look at the left wing. However, NASA officials declined the offer.

On the day of February 1,2003, Columbia was making a normal landing approach to Kennedy Space center. However just a little before nine am abnormal readings had appeared at mission control stating that the temperature readings from sensors at the left wing were lost after that tire pressure readings from the left side of the shuttle were then lost. Mission control then attempted to get ahold of astronauts but with no success,
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With this crew of seven NASA ended up with a very great amount of valuable research that we even use today. All of that is thankful to the crew. They spent 24 hours a day doing science experiments in shifts they ended up preforming around 80 experiments dedicated to fluid physics, material sciences, life sciences and more.

How did Texas play apart in space shuttle Columbia?

While the shuttle was crashing, it was suppose to land at Kennedy Space Center in Texas. The space shuttle actually ended up crashing in Nacogdoches, Texas. One last thing you may or may not know is that NASA is located in Houston, Texas and that’s what the saying “Houston we have a problem” means.

What was different from this space shuttle compared to the previous shuttles?

The reason this shuttle is so different is because, this shuttle was actually suppose to be the so called “new and improved”. This was not in any way close to being true. It was not even new! This shuttle a recyclable. Which means anything they could salvage from the last lift off they used again over and over for about 27 lift

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