'Source Codes And Recycle Bins'

Superior Essays
Chapter 16 - Source Codes and Recycle Bins Chapter 16 states that writers and readers bounce off ideas from each other works which contribute to novels today. Like all writers, the combination of works are gathered into one masterpiece, “it’s just the same” (198). Most importantly, great novels come from personal experience or a particular source that influence individuals to borrow other contributions: “Novelists borrow from other narrative” (204). After accomplishing personal experience, writers are able to surpass first stage as “writing grows out of experience” (211). Mark Twain and a few others, however, successfully observe the “flaw” in society. With that being said, the most important element of being a great contributor to literature …show more content…
Novels with endings that can leave readers feeling emotional or puzzled. Foster’s Law of Shutting Doors suggest that the ending portion of the book is all entirely based upon how the writer want their particular group of readers to react: “The degree of closure in the ending of a novel is in direct proportion to the eagerness of the novelist to please his audience” (271). Writers want to please their readers, but sometime, endings are not so great of a big deal than the rest of the plot. Foster mention how some works are either left “unfinished” (275) or “leaving the protagonist hanging” (275). In J.D. Salinger’s ending of The Catcher in the Rye, however, the author reintroduces Holden Caufield’s illness. At the start of the novel, Holden describe how he was suffering from tuberculosis. By the end, Holden describe how he was using the plot as a story: “That 's all I 'm going to tell about. I could probably tell you...how I got sick and all” (114). A few chapters back, Salinger give hints such as Holden’s conversation with his friend Carl; the term “psychoanalyst” which actually shows where Holden is at the beginning of the story. “The openings tell us where we’re going. Endings tell us where we went” (277). Applying Foster’s idea, Salinger— surprisingly—stage Holden’s setting exactly in the mental hospital; Salinger opens up the novel with Holden’s illness in a hospital and ending with Holden’s illness in the …show more content…
As Foster said before, the key for winning a Nobel Prize is to study and incorporate history into their own works. This theory definitely allow readers to easily understand the author’s background and the novel’s background. The Law of Now and Then states that “Every novel is an act of violence...the historical and social...do not play nicely together” (288). Novels are made to emerge with some history to surpass violence in the past. Each and every writer has their own use of history, “but you can’t escape it” (288). In “I Hear America Singing,” Walt Whitman incorporate the vast amount of everyday people; the spirit which significantly aid readers from Whitman’s tone. The first three lines of the poem already illuminates Whitman’s message of how America is full of monumental spirits: “I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, / Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong, / The carpenter singing his as he measures his plank or beam…” (1-3). Whitman profoundly use of history is very important because he recount “The delicious singing of the mother, or of the young wife at work, or / of the girl sewing or washing,..” (10-11). These lines, specifically, account for the revolutionary changes where men were battling in World War I and II, while women took over their jobs. “I, too,” however, Langston Hughes responds with his history in America.

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