Everything is black and white to show the equality until the main character begins to learn that the government is wrong. As a way to make everyone equal in their society, the leaders provide daily medication that prevent the citizens from feeling strong emotions and seeing color. Emotions are also limited in Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 by trying to make all individuals equal. The medication can be linked to how todays society deals with people with mental disabilities. In reality, were trying to help them by regulating their symptoms which make them more “normal”. While the situations are not identical, they both are using medications in an attempt to make people how others feel like they should be. Our own medicine can be more commonly linked to emotions. When you constantly have overwhelming anger, it adjusts your mood to make it stable and content. Antidepressants have the purpose of making you happier throughout your daily life. Rather than helping with a purpose, “The Giver” shows daily injections being given to people to make everyone feel the same satisfaction. Color was how the director was able to show how dull their lives were as well as capturing the failed attempt at complete
Everything is black and white to show the equality until the main character begins to learn that the government is wrong. As a way to make everyone equal in their society, the leaders provide daily medication that prevent the citizens from feeling strong emotions and seeing color. Emotions are also limited in Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 by trying to make all individuals equal. The medication can be linked to how todays society deals with people with mental disabilities. In reality, were trying to help them by regulating their symptoms which make them more “normal”. While the situations are not identical, they both are using medications in an attempt to make people how others feel like they should be. Our own medicine can be more commonly linked to emotions. When you constantly have overwhelming anger, it adjusts your mood to make it stable and content. Antidepressants have the purpose of making you happier throughout your daily life. Rather than helping with a purpose, “The Giver” shows daily injections being given to people to make everyone feel the same satisfaction. Color was how the director was able to show how dull their lives were as well as capturing the failed attempt at complete