How The Political And Social Changes During The American Revolution Dbq

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On July 4, 1776, news was spread that America was declaring independence and no longer wanted to be under Britain’s control; thus leading to an American Revolution. In order to avoid the way Britain had control over America, America made sure to not be politically same as Britain was, because it was a huge factor that played into becoming independent. Women and slave roles had been different during this time period because they were beginning to gain a few more rights/freedoms. Although during the American Revolution, 1775-1800, the American society had changed both politically and socially, it economically wasn’t much different than it had been before. Before, the political aspect of America was quite confusing. The colonies had the right …show more content…
In fact, anybody who still supported them shouldn’t be in America. In Document F, an image of a medal that says “Venerate the Plough” is written on it. The medal was a medal for the promotion of agriculture, which means that if they’re promoting it, then it must be economically prospering since it’s convincing people to do it. Some of them are crying out for a paper currency, an equal distribution of power (Doc G). A letter received by John Adams, from his wife Abigail Adams, letting him know that the people are not please, which resembles Shay’s Rebellion cause they were angered quite similarly. This shows that even though the U.S. is agriculturally prospering for the economy, America is still struggling economically. America had truly tried to become different from Britain so what expand West because they were unable to do so due to the Proclamation of 1763. But if you were to expand west that means creating new allies, finding new resources, as well as establish a new colony, And to find that our Brothers the Americans are inclined to take us by the hand, and smoke with us at the great fire, which we hope will never be extinguished (Doc C). Sure enough, America had expanded West, and this quote was taken from a letter sent to Congress by the Chickasaw Chiefs. This shows that new allies were made and that the Americans were being citizens, but what wasn’t in the excerpt, was what sort …show more content…
Politically, the nation had changed a little bit because they had created a government which was the opposite of Britain in order to make sure they weren’t similar. Economically, they hadn’t changed at all because if you were to find the average of the amount of times the nation had gained and lost money, it would meet in the middle showing no change. The main idea of all this change was to make sure that America was way different from Britain, and that in no aspect, that they are similar. Send them to the island of Britain; there let them drink the cup of slavery and eat the bread of bitterness all the days of their existence (Doc B). Pennsylvania Packet, written around the beginning of the American Revolution, the point of this was to signify that anybody who had supported Britain, shall go back to suffer because America is “paradise” compared to

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