Abigail Adams Letter To Her Husband Analysis

Superior Essays
1. Abigail Adams, the wife of John Adams, was responsible for writing this document. As shown in this letter to her husband, Abigail Adams was an advocate for the political equality of women and was not afraid to demonstrate her belief to her husband. Based on the sophisticated style of writing found in this letter is it fair to assume she was born into a wealthy family that could afford to educate her (at least in the field of literature). This is evident when she finishes her paper by telling John Adams that “[she] need not say how much [she] is [his] ever faithfull Friend” (Adams). It also seems evident that she was very open in her opinions to her husband and would not avoid controversial topics of discussion. For example, she openly writes to her husband that men are “Naturally Tyrannical…so thoroughly established as to admit no dispute” (Adams). Very few women of …show more content…
For hundreds of years the societies of Europe and later the American colonies embraced a patriarchal society in which women were only viewed as capable of doing housework. However, many women went against the status quo, running family businesses and households after the departure or death of their husbands. Change in the status of the sexes was only a matter of time. The thoughts of independence and freedom that became common during the American Revolution created a moral dilemma: would the men that were working towards freedom from Britain apply the same thinking towards gender equality? Women had already proved they were just as capable of running enterprises and households as men, but were still unequal to men in the eyes of the law. This left the nation with a great moral issue. How could we call Britain tyrannical and restricting of the freedoms of the colonials when the colonials themselves were denying women the same rights as their male counterparts? Women from every colony began to wonder how would they become to equal to men after hundreds of years of being viewed as the inferior

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