Shays Rebellion

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The American Revolution certainly is a breathtaking era in God’s unfolding story. Friction between England and its colonies emerged most notably after the Seven Years' War. Before the war, the British government had undertaken minimal contact with or interference in the internal affairs of their settlements, aside from passing the Navigation acts that dictated the shipment of goods(Marston, 2003). However, the price of war racked up a hefty debt that made the country see an error in their previous policy. Not only did the regular cost of warfare take a toll on Britain's resources, but also the need to heed a collection of soldiers in the colonies. To illustrate, following the war's end, the British government made the cryptic decision that a well sized contingent of British troops should be stationed permanently in North America to offset other world power's interest in the developing estate(Marston, 2003). In view of the economic crisis, Britain began searching for a way that incorporated its territories to relieve the financial burden.
Consequently, England's administration elected to enact a series of new taxes, believing that it was the best option to fund the ground troops in the new world(Marston, 2003). As a result,
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Most people deciphered this display as lawlessness and anarchy(Humphrey, 2003). Even though the tides calmed eventually, people were still unsettled by how the government was practically helpless in the situation. Thus, the public instigated a need to refine the national governing sectors. Some folks believed that the anxiety about the law system needed to be nipped in the bud before it produced corruption from within. In other words, the occurrence of Shays Rebellion captured people's attention and convinced many of them, including George Washington, that something had to be done in order to prevent the downfall of the national government(Humphrey,

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