Afters years of gaining allies with other countries, the fighting had eventually come to an end when the British came out victorious. This renowned war is recognized as the Seven Years War, and the outcome of this conflict had caused for the redistribution of power worldwide but had also identified England as one of the most powerful commercial and regal nations. Large portions of land within North America and other areas of the world had also been granted to England from France, which had opened up a greater amount of opportunities to the English empire. While the French had given up a vast majority of their territory to England, the Indians of the Ohio Valley had quickly formed tensions because of their refusal to support the English during the war. Although the Iroquois Confederacy had developed a closer relationship with the English from the start, they soon struggled to compete with the growing power of the English Empire. Despite the unsettling balance within North America, the Seven Years War had also attracted other nations from around the globe. Throughout the hostilities between various empires, the result of this war had eventually led to a balance of economic power in Europe. While England had won the war and established its dominance among other nations, disputes between the British and colonists …show more content…
This war had marked the first global conflict within history that has not only changed the economic power between countries but had also influenced the start of future wars to take place. As displayed throughout this essay, it has shown how the outcome of this war had changed the economic status of various nations at both a local and international level and the countless efforts made by the British to reassert authority among the colonies. While some of these empires had benefitted greatly, others had suffered from the ramifications of the war. During the fight between the English and British, new rulings had been enforced upon the colonists that contributed to the beginnings of colonial resistance. As an outcome of this war, this had further led to the creation of other laws that had prevented the colonists from their rights and liberties that they had formed early on within each colony. With the determination and persistence portrayed by each colonist, this had allowed for the separation from Great Britain to take place and the unity of these colonists to form the nation of