health care system. The correlation between capitalism and economic growth is to make a sizeable profit. The U.S. health care system is a thriving profitable business that has many competitive privately owned health insurance companies. Also, the fact that a lot of these privately owned insurance companies are using their wealth to maximize their own gain, the cost of individual health care continues to go up. As a result, this has led to social and economic inequality, as well as numerous U.S. citizens not being able to afford health care. Many companies in the U.S. health care system are profiting at the expense of the patients that the health care companies are supposed to be helping. The rich get richer while the poor remain in poverty trying to afford basic medical …show more content…
health care system has proven to be functional in various ways. The U.S. is in the lead for the most innovative clinical research over many other nations. As a result of the U.S. having some of the best cutting-edge research and medical treatments in the world, many people from all over the world to get some of the best medical care available. Also, the government provides insurance for the millions of U.S. citizens that may not be able to provide for themselves. Medicare, Medicaid, The Children's Health Insurance (CHIP), and the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) are just a few government funded health insurance programs that have been established and implemented to provide certain people with health insurance that may have a difficult time providing for themselves. Lastly, the Food and Drug Administration, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and the National Institutes of Health have enforced safety regulations that guarantee patients quality care and treatment of safe