Similarities Between Colonial America And Today

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The Colonial American period lasted from 1492 until 1763 , and it ended 252 years ago. At that time, people didn’t have the same resources that we have today such as electronics so people had to live differently from how we do. Although there are many differences between Colonial American and The United States we have today, there are many similarities as well. There was an effect in the United States and its culture that we have today, because of the colonial period, even though we may not realize it.

During the Colonial time, the men represented the family in the community and were the head of the household. They would work in the farmland, build barns, houses and fences for his household. This is very different from nowadays where many men are the housekeeper and takes care of the kids while the wife is the one who has a job and works. Nowadays women have many more rights than women had during the colonial times. At that time most of the women who were young and married would work as cooks for wealthy families. Women who were widows would normally work as teachers, nurses, or they would own
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In New England and Pennsylvania people set up many schools so kids could learn to read and write. Meanwhile the puritans in massachusetts passed a public education law which stated that each community with 50 or more homes it was a requirement to have a school. By 1750 85% of men in the colonies could read, as well as 50% of women could read. This influenced nowadays because something still very valued in the United States is education. Right now only 14% of the population can’t read, which yes is a big number but it is much less than in 1870 when 20% of the population was illiterate. Something else that was passed into the culture of America is that we now have a government that takes care of all of the 50 states which is what the Albany Plan was proposing. We also have only one constituition in the United

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