Similarities And Differences Between Public Speaking And Other Means Of Communication

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from the work of Claude and Warren Weaver. Shannon in 1949; this three-part model was intended to capture radio and television transmission process. The three parts are: source, channel, and receiver. Shannon and Weaver also identify another component that can interfere while listening to a telephone call that is called noise. However, this model was adapted to human communication, and it has some useful parallels to public speaking. In public speaking, the source is the person who is speaking. The second part of this model is the channel which is the apparatus for carrying the message; it is the speaker’s use of verbal and non verbal symbols. The third part is the receiver; he is the person who picks up the message and tries to decode it. …show more content…
Similarities and differences between public speaking and other means of communication Communication is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions through speech, signals, writing, or observation. In this process, the individual communicator tries to convey a message and transmits stimuli to modify and influence an audience’s attitudes. Communication plays a vital role in our lives because we communicate everyday with different people in different ways. However, communication, which is characterized by the use of language, takes four forms which are dyadic, small group, mass media, and public speaking (O’Hair et al, 2010:5). The first form is dyadic which happens between two people such as a conversation. The second type is small group communication which occurs between small group of people who can see and talk to each other. The third form is mass media communication which occurs between the speaker and a large number of unknown audiences in which there can be a little or no interaction. Finally, public speaking is the process of delivering a speech with a specific purpose to an audience (Ibid, 2010:5). In this process, the speaker creates, organizes, and produces the message, encoding, to the audience. The latter receives the message and translates it through the decoding process based on their experiences and attitudes. Finally, the receiver provides a feedback about the message which can be verbally and nonverbally …show more content…
This means that public speaking shares some similarities as well as differences with the other three forms of communication. First, we will deal with similarities then the differences. In dyadic communication or conversation, and public speaking, the speaker organizes his ideas logically and tailors his message to his audience in order to convey it in a comprehensible way. He also can tell a story and adjust his words and the tone of his voice to establish more effect on the listeners whose verbal, facial, and physical reactions are taken into account while delivering (Ibid, 2012:6-7). In small group and public speaking, the speaker interacts and discusses issues related to the topic and the occasion. In mass media and public speaking, the speaker attempts to understand and influence the audience’s interest and attitudes for a limited amount of time. (Brydon and Scott,

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